The Diocese of St. Petersburg's
getaway for Jesuit students, hosting
most of the school’s 26 retreats throughout
the year. A beautiful, expansive place
welcomed 39 students as part of their
Sophomore Retreat in November.
They took a break from academics to
engage in a day of ministry and personal
ministers, meeting in small groups,
attending adoration and confession, and
picturesque house of prayer that sits
on the bank of St. Mary’s Lake, was the
favorite part of the retreat for Javi Mendez
. He was surprised by how many of his
classmates used their free time to pray in
front of the Blessed Sacrament.
“It was much more meaningful than any
other Adoration I’ve had in a really long
time,” Mendez said. “And grouped along
with confession, it was just very powerful.”
upperclassmen who served as Peer
Ministers: ,
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, , and
said meeting
in small groups with his peer minister,
said. “He made everyone feel like it was
a private environment, so you could say
anything you wanted or needed to get off
of your chest.”
and he helped lead the Freshman Retreat
earlier in the semester.
connect with people on future retreats
made me really excited to seek out more
The Freshman Retreat
The Sophomore Retreat
St. James Chapel at the Bethany Center
The evening procession
crossing Garcia Bridge
together the Saturday afternoon and eve-
Retreat at Jesuit.
the school's retreat program, which provides
spiritual direction and guidance for all Jesuit
Every student is obligated to make one retreat
during each school year, with students having
more retreat options as they progress to senior
year. Seniors at Jesuit can choose from retreats
such as Father-Son, Silent Directed, and
Jesuit's retreat program is under the direction
The retreats
student take an honest look at his life, to know
to provide tools for the further growth and
development of his interior life.
The Freshman Retreat brought the more than
on a Saturday for a day of activities, discus-
beautiful candlelight Eucharistic Procession.
Just after dusk, with their parents lining the
route, the students proceeded through Oliva
before gathering beneath the Bell Tower.