Fabiola on her first flight. December 2021. Nathalie finishes instrument rating in May 2020.
“As a Naval Intelligence Officer, the job is to support those that are
in more traditional warfighting roles by providing them with threat and
geopolitical analysis,” she shares. “We help frame the decision-making process
in a variety of ways.”
In September 2019, Pauwels enrolled in the American Airlines Cadet
Academy program and joined the reserves during this time as well. She
received her private and commercial pilot ratings, with instrument and
multi-engine add-ons, in addition to her Certificated Flight Instructor (CFI,
CFI-Instrument) certificates.
“The academy taught us to be flexible,” she shares about her experience.
“The program was fairly new when I joined. It is designed to help people
that have zero hours of flight experience and aviation knowledge and take
them through their instructor ratings and licenses with the intent of eventually
making it to a major airline.”
Today, Pauwels is grateful for her experience in the program as it has taught
her the skills needed to further her career as a pilot.
“I had a great time,” she shares. “It was a unique experience and
challenged a lot of my weaknesses and character.”
Currently, she is back with the Navy as the collection manager for US Fourth
Fleet/Naval Forces South, specializing in managing various Intelligence,
Surveillance, and Reconnaissance (ISR) missions and supporting collection
efforts across multiple spheres of influence in Latin America in Mayport, Florida.
She credits her Argentinian heritage and Spanish-speaking background
as being useful in her current position as she can engage thoroughly with
Latin American nations. She is also a part-time flight instructor at the
Jacksonville Navy Flying Club building flight hours.
Millington, TN.
There are a lot of myths about becoming a pilot!” Webb shares. “The reality is,
if someone has a passion for aviation and are highly motivated, then it’s a career
anyone can consider. Anyone interested in becoming a pilot should take an
introductory flight at a local flight school to see what flight lessons are like. If the
introductory flight ignites an interest, then visit: http://www.AACadetAcademy.com
for more information. LS
Want to comment or have any questions on this
article? Email us at info@latinastyle.com
Nathalie E. Pauwels,
collection manager
for US Fourth
Fleet/Naval Forces
South, and second
generation pilot.
LATINAStyle V ol. 28, No. 1 , 2022 www.latinastyle.com 25