the From Letters Latina Growing up, my mother often told me in
But then the words of my mother lifted me again.
Spanish, “Las mujeres son fuertes,” which
I am 5'1” and still conquered OSUT, or “One
translates into “women are strong.”
Station Unit Training” in both the numbing winter and
I grew up in La Villita on the South Side of
scorching summer of Fort Leonardwood, Missouri.
Chicago. I always appreciated this boost of confidence
Today I am a proud military police soldier in the U.S.
from my mother who was always a pillar of strength in
Army Reserve.
my family. It wasn’t until I went through basic training,
While there are anatomical differences, women
however, that I really understood the potency of a
in our military are as determined and powerful as any
four-word sentence.
man, even if we have a higher risk of musculoskeletal
In 2019, my husband and I enlisted together. He
was shipped out in February, and I followed in March.
For example, during an intense 10-mile ruck,
Although we both received similar support from our
I severely injured my hip. The sharp pain punctured
community, the advice to me was often very different
every nerve of my body. I wanted to quit and go home,
from some.
but I refused to stop. I was not the only female who
While my husband received advice on career
went through this, and I am proud to say I was also not
paths in the military, I received career advice in case
the only one who refused to stop.
I didn’t make it in the military. In other words, it was
Whether it was a ruck march in BCT, responding
already presumed that he would conquer the rigorous
to active-shooter scenarios, or patrolling the night shifts
training while that same presumption was not
in the rain during our annual training, women in my
available to me merely because I was a woman.
company and across our military perform our duty with
I remember being told, "you are so small, so
determination and power every day.
prepare yourself just in case you won't make it,"
I also see this woman's strength in the civilian
or "are you sure you want to go in as military police,
world. For example, I am the executive director of La
I heard it's harder," or “just choose an easy MOS”
Colmena, an immigrant rights organization based
(whatever that means).
in Staten Island, New York. In this role, I work with a
Hearing those comments did make me doubt
majority-female staff to support immigrant workers,
myself. Maybe they were right.
particularly those hardest hit by the COVID-19
“Las mujeres son fuertes.”
pandemic. They are an incredible group of women who
34 LATINAStyle Vol. 28, No. 1, 2022 do community work that often requires herculean
physical and mental strength.
I am now working with other young women
interested in joining the military to tell them about my
experience and provide another layer of information so
they can decide on whether or not the military is right
for them. We touch on many topics, but I conclude with
the same advice that my mother gave me.
“Las mujeres son fuertes.”
Yesenia Mata receives challenge coins from Sergeant Major of the Army Grinston and Vice
Chief of Staff of the Army Martin at the Solarium event for talking about sexual harassment/
suicides/extremism/deportation of veterans/immigrant soldiers. (Photo credit: Yesenia Mata).
Yesenia during the first week she arrived
from Basic Combat (BCT) and Individual
Advance Training (AIT). Getting ready to
use the skills she learned to better advocate
for her community.
Graduation day. September 2019.
Photo credit: Cesar Vargas.
By SPC Yesenia Mata, MP USAR
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