2018 CIIFT Angling Rules and Regulations
25. All protests must be filed in writing with
Tournament Control on the prescribed form, available at
Tournament Control, by noon on the day following the
alleged offence. All fish caught on a particular day, on any
boat in respect of which a protest relating to that day has
been upheld by the Rules Committee, will be automatically
disqualified, unless, the Rules Committee in their sole
discretion decide otherwise.
26. All decisions of the Rules Committee shall be taken
in consultation with the Honorary Judges and shall be final.
27. “Spirit of the Tournament” – All fishing, conduct,
protests and rulings are to be within the intentions and spirit
of the Tournament. It is intended to be enjoyable, in
good fellowship, and for everyone to have a good time.
Unacceptable conduct (ashore or at sea), unfounded
protests, etc. will be strongly considered as grounds for
exclusion from the tournament in future years.
Release Rules
28. Blue Marlin, Sailfish, White Marlin, Swordfish and
Spearfish are eligible for the release category. All teams
must provide their own video camera to verify releases.
When you know you are going to release the fish, you must
call tournament control and ask for the release card. Then
have your designated videographer or any other crew
member hold up the release card next to the fish as the video
is taken. The video must identify the species, and release
card, and must also show the fish swimming away freely
after release. A fish is considered released when one of the
following actions is completed. A - The mate is able to
grab the leader. B - The swivel hits the rod tip. C - The
connection (knot, splice, etc.) between the leader and the
mainline/double line/flyline passes through the rod tip. At
the end of the day's fishing and all video footage taken must
be brought to the weigh station during designated hours, for
verification of official release points. Failure to do so will
result in disqualification of that day's catch. Please note that
the verification must take place during weigh station hours
on the day the fish is released. Do not delete any videos
taken during tournament hours.
29. This is a release category of the tournament. A
boated fish or fish brought to the boat dead will not qualify
as a release. In the event of a tie, the prize shall be awarded
to the team first reaching the most points. The time used in
determining all such awards will be Tournament Control
radio log time.
30. Blue Marlin Weight Estimation: As a rough “rule of
thumb” the following calculation will provide good
guidance for estimating the weight of a Blue Marlin:
31. Short Length (in inches) x Girth (in inches) x Girth
(in inches) divided by 800 = Estimated Weight lbs. Short
length is measured from the V of the tail or caudal fin to the
tip of the lower jaw.
Special Regulations
32. The Tournament Committee wishes to stress the
conservation of our marine resources.
33. It is expected of all participants that only those
fish weighed for Tournament awards or used for food
purposes are kept. Other fish of all species should be
carefully released.
34. Visiting boats are not permitted to solicit charters in
the Islands.
35. An overseas angler is a person who is not
ordinarily resident.
Page 8 21st Annual Cayman Islands International Fishing Tournament 2018