2018 CIIFT Angling Rules and Regulations
6.30pm on all Tournament days. The Captain of each boat
MUST check in and out with Tournament Control each day.
The Captain of any boat planning to fish out of VHF radio
range (whether or not it has a satellite phone) must
complete and deliver the appropriate form to Tournament
Control/Weigh Station between 4.30pm and 6.30pm the day
prior. All boats fishing out of VHF range and without
satellite phone capability must maintain VHF contact with
a participating boat which has such capability or which is in
VHF contact with Tournament Control. Failure to comply
with the foregoing will disqualify any fish caught that day.
As with the communication requirement, this rule will be
strictly enforced. Any boat fishing offshore is not permitted
to leave the dock/home port before 10pm on the night prior
to fishing (for example if you plan to fish Pickle bank on
Saturday you cannot leave the dock before 10pm Friday).
Anyboat that fishes offshore must return to port each day,
staying overnight is not permitted.
Anglers/Junior Anglers fees etc.
17. The entry fee for the Tournament is US$500/CI$400
per boat of up to 4 anglers. The entry fee entitles the anglers
to enter fish caught by him/her during fishing hours on all
Tournament days. No refunds of entry fees will be made for
any cause after the first day of the Tournament. Each boat
must complete a registration form in order to register
anglers in this Tournament. All boats/anglers must be
correctly registered by 6.30pm the day prior to fishing. Save
in exceptional circumstances, anglers are not permitted to
change boats for the duration of the tournament. If an
exceptional event occurs, such as engine failure, permission
to change boats must be received from the Tournament
Committee prior to fishing. If such permission is
forthcoming, the anglers may only switch to a boat within
the same size category. If the boat is in a different size class,
the team can elect to register again in that category, subject
to payment of entry fees. If permission is granted to an
angler to transfer to a previously registered boat, any fish
which the angler may have caught previously may not be
transferred for the purposes of any team or boat prize.
18. A registered junior angler is a boy or girl who
has not attained age 17 on the day of the start of the
Tournament. Juniors must be registered but are allowed free
entry to the tournament and do not count toward the 4 members
that comprise a team. Junior Anglers are only eligible
for Junior Angler prizes, however fish caught by a Junior
Angler will count towards the total boat weight. For the
avoidance of doubt, fish caught by junior anglers are NOT
eligible for jackpots, daily prizes, grand slam’s and all individual
or boat prizes. A team may register an angler under
age 17 as a full angler/team member by paying all fees, this
angler will not be eligible for Junior prizes but will be eligible
for all angler/team prizes.
19. Sanctioned tournaments during C.I.I.F.T. have their
own prize lists and separate entry fees for those who choose
to participate. In order to participate in the sanctioned
tournaments anglers must first be registered with the
20. In the event of a tie, the prize shall be awarded to
the angler, captain, boat or team first landing the winning
fish or first reaching the winning points total as the case may
be. The time used in determining all such awards will be
Tournament Control radio log time.
21. A registered angler may not qualify as both angler
and boat captain in catching any fish (please refer to Section
10. requiring a minimum of two people on board).
Charter boat captains and mates may register as anglers
in the Tournament, however, on days when the boat is
chartered, only fish caught by the charter party (if
registered) will be eligible.
22. The C.I.I.F.T. reserves the right to refuse entry
to any angler and/or boat.
Prohibited Gear
23. The use of WIRE LINE is strictly prohibited. Any
boat found with wire line aboard during the Tournament
will be disqualified as will all fish entered to date. There
will be no refund of entry fees. Tournament Officials
shall be permitted to board any boat participating in the
Tournament at any time in order to verify compliance
with this or any other rule. Refusal to allow boarding and
inspection will be grounds for disqualification from the
Tournament and any prizes.
Eligible Fish and Minimum Weights/Length
24. Eligible fish and minimum weights: Wahoo and
Dolphin 15lbs., Yellowfin Tuna 30lbs., Blue Marlin 587lbs
(please refer to section 29 & 30 for weight estimation guide
for Blue Marlin), Swordfish 48 inches. The Grand Slam
prize will be awarded to the team landing the heaviest
aggregate weight of heaviest individual fish, Wahoo,
Dolphin and Yellowfin Tuna, over the duration of the
Tournament. The Super Grand Slam prize will be awarded
to the team weighing the heaviest aggregate weight of
Wahoo, Dolphin, Yellowfin Tuna and Swordfish (Swordfish
caught in the Cayman Swordfish Challenge may also be
counted towards this prize).
21st Annual Cayman Islands International Fishing Tournament 2018 Page 7