Welcome Messages
Deputy Premier & Minister for District
Administration Tourism and Transport
The Honourable Moses Kirkconnell
Welcome to the 21st Annual Cayman Islands International Fishing Tournament.
This wonderful event has certainly come of age and I am delighted to extend “Caymankind’
greetings to all of the Captains, Anglers and Crew, particularly to the guests who have travelled to
the Cayman Islands especially for this occasion.
This exciting tournament is fun and competitive, and is a great way for fishing enthusiasts to try their luck at tournament fishing in
our beautiful Caribbean sea.
Each year existing relationships are strengthened while new ones are formed; creating camaraderie and a wonderful sense of
community that is built upon year after year. When the tournament is over and anglers have travelled safely home, I trust the
memories will be cherished till it’s time to return.
I would personally like to express my appreciation to the Cayman Islands Angling Club Committee for hosting what I know will
be another world-class event. Your hard work and perseverance over the years ensures that expectations are continually exceeded
and a great time is always had by all.
I also wish to acknowledge and thank the Tournaments many sponsors, for without your generosity and ongoing support this event
would not be possible.
As the competition gets underway and Anglers prepare to cast their lines, I wish all of the participants fair seas and the very best of
luck to all.
Hon. Moses Kirkconnell. JP, MLA
Deputy Premier
Chairman of the Cayman Islands International Fishing Tournament
and President of the Cayman Islands Angling Club
Franklin Thompson
On behalf of the Executive and Activities Committees of the Cayman Islands Angling Club it
gives me great pleasure to welcome you to the 21st Annual Cayman Islands International Fishing
Tournament. We look forward to four days of competition in the beautiful waters surrounding
the Cayman Islands and trust that all Captains and Anglers will remain focused on safety, good
sportsmanship and responsible angling practices. Our gracious sponsors have again this year
provided some excellent prizes and we encourage you where possible to patronize each and every
sponsor. I’d particularly like to recognize the Deputy Premier & Minister for District Administration, Tourism and Transport
and his staff at the Ministry for their loyal support of this tournament and other Cayman Islands Angling Club initiatives.
I’m sure the dock talk will be exciting as we remember the catches from past years as well as the ones that got away. We look
forward to seeing many fish at the weigh station and many videos of Billfish releases. On this note, in partnership with the
Guy Harvey Ocean Foundation we have deployed 2 FADs with the goal of improving fishing for Pelagic species. We have
plans to deploy a few more throughout this year. Lastly, we’d like to thank all the boat owners, Captains, Anglers and
spectators for their support and participation, be safe, have fun and tight lines to all.
Franklin Thompson
21st Annual Cayman Islands International Fishing Tournament 2018 Page 1