The Billfish Jackpot Rules & Regulations
Tournament: The Bill Fish Release Jackpot (BFRJ) is a CIIFT sanctioned tournament.
Participants must be registered in the CIIFT to be eligible to enter the Jackpot.
Entry Fees:
The entry fee for the BFRJ is US$5,000 per boat/team.
Prizes: The event is a winner-take-all format; with the ultimate 1st prize fund a direct function of the total entry fees
received. For example: if 20 boats enter, then the 1st prize will be US$100,000. There will also be a sponsored 2nd
prize of US$7,000 and 3rd prize of US$5,000.
Format: Points will be awarded as follows: 300 points awarded for a verified Blue Marlin release, 100 points for any
other eligible billfish. The winner, at the end of the 4 days, will be the team accumulating the highest aggregate total of
points. In the event of a tie, the team first reaching the winning points total, as determined by the Tournament Control
time log, will be declared the winner.
Rules: The rules governing The Jackpot are deemed to be those of the CIIFT Tournament. Special mention is made of
the following: This event is designed as a team event, there are no individual angler awards. A registered team is
expected to retain the same composition of members for the duration of the Tournament. Under no circumstances can
the points awarded to one team/boat be transferred to another team/boat registered in The Jackpot.
Release Rules: Blue Marlin, Sailfish, White Marlin, Swordfish and Spearfish are eligible for the release category. All
teams must provide their own video camera to verify releases. When you know you are going to release the fish, you
must call tournament control and ask for the release card. Then have your designated videographer or any other
crewmember hold up the supplied release card next to the fish as the video is taken. The video must identify the
species, and release card, and must also show the fish swimming away freely after release. A fish is considered
released when one of the following actions is completed. A - The mate is able to grab the leader. B - The swivel hits
the rod tip. C - The connection (knot, splice, etc.) between the leader and the mainline/double line/flyline passes
through the rod tip. At the end of the day's fishing and all video footage taken must be brought to the weigh station
during designated hours, for verification of official release points. Failure to do so will result in disqualification of that
day's catch. Please note that the verification must take place during weigh station hours on the day the fish is released.
Do not delete any videos taken during tournament hours.
Scoring: This is a release category of the tournament. A boated fish or fish brought to the boat dead will not qualify as
a release. In the event of a tie, the prize shall be awarded to the team first reaching the most points. The time used in
determining all such awards will be Tournament Control radio log time.
The Meat Fish Jackpot Rules & Regulations
Tournament: The Meat Fish Jackpot (MFJ) is a CIIFT sanctioned tournament. Participants must be registered in the
CIIFT Tournament to be eligible to enter the Jackpot.
Entry Fees: The entry fee for the MFJ is US$500 per boat/team, per species. Teams wishing to register for more than
one species will pay US$500 per species. The entry fee will be allocated at US$125 per day for the purpose of
calculating the daily “pot” for disbursement. Teams must enter for the full duration of the event. Entries received after
the commencement of the event, subject to the daily cut-off times designated in the CIIFT rules, are required to pay the
full entry fee.
Prizes: The event provides for a daily cash prize for the heaviest and second heaviest fish for each species. The
ultimate prize paid will be a direct function of the “pot” for that day, with the winner receiving 2/3 of the daily pot and
the runner up 1/3.
Rules: The rules governing The Jackpot are deemed to be those of the CIIFT Tournament. In the event of a tie, the
team landing the fish first, as determined by the Tournament Control time log, will be declared the winner.
21st Annual Cayman Islands International Fishing Tournament 2018 Page 9