2018 Livin the Dream TV Shows
In 2018, fishing and diving in the
Cayman Islands was featured in 4
episodes of Livin the Dream with
Capt Jimmy Nelson. The shows
air on the Sportsman Channel in
the first half of the year and on
World Fishing Network the
second half of the year. Each
episode airs 4 times per week
and is broadcast to over 40 million homes. In
addition to featuring the great fishing and diving in
the Cayman Islands, the shows also showcased
Cayman Airways, the CaymanTurtle Centre,
Seven Mile Beach and the Botanic Park. Although
rough weather kept us from getting offshore like
we wished it helped us focus on the great inshore
action with Bonefish as well as some deep
dropping for Queen Snapper.
We’d like to thank the Ministry of Tourism for funding the
shows, Cayman Airways for providing the tickets for the
film crew, Comfort Suites for providing the rooms and
Sunset Divers for providing the dives. We’ve had great
support from Club Members to assist with filming and
would like to recognize, Chris Briggs, Josh Ebanks,
Waylon Bush, Richard Jacob, Clayton Ebanks, Nicholas
Powery, Joel Jefferson, Thom Guyton, Rob Jones, Des
Ebanks, Richard Orr and Emil Terry.
We look forward
to producing
more shows for
the 2019
season and will
endeavor to
promote the Cayman Islands as a World
Class Sport Fishing Destination.
Brought to by the Cayman Islands Angling