breast milk supply
8 tips to increase it naturally
Are you worry about not producing enough
amount of breast milk to satisfy your
infant. Here are a number of safe, natural
ways that can help you to boost your breast
milk supply.
As a breastfeeding mother, you often worry about
not producing enough amount of breast milk to
satisfy your infant. Isn’t it? Well, luckily, there
are a number of safe, natural ways you can boost
your breast milk supply. Here are a few of them:
1 nurse your baby
Breastfeeding is a demand and supply process
where the production of breast milk depends
completely on how much milk your baby is taking
in each feeding session. Essentially, the more your
little one nurses, the more milk your body will
produce. So try to nurse your baby a minimum
of 8 times in 24 hours.
2 nurse from both sides
Make sure to nurse your little one from both
breasts during each feeding session. This will not
only make your each breast empty but also will
stimulate both of your breasts to produce more
milk. Switch your baby to the other breast as soon
as he begins to lose interest in sucking.
3 eat a healthy,
nutritious diet
Eating a healthy and balanced diet also helps you
produce the sufficient amount of breast milk for
your little baby. While you are lactating, aim for
consuming a minimum of 1,800 calories per day
to maintain your milk supply. Don’t try to diet, unless
your lactation consultant recommends you.
4 stay hdrated
Drinking plenty of water is the key to keeping
a good milk supply maintained. So make a
habit of drinking a glass of water every time you
breastfeed. Alternatively, you may consider other
sources for hydration like coconut water and fruit
infused water recipes, which are great in taste as
well as full of nutritious vitamins and minerals.
5 avoid the use of
pacifiers and nipple
Limit the use of pacifiers, nipple shields and
bottles while you’re struggling to produce enough
breast milk. Using these breastfeeding accessories
not only makes your little one less likely to
nurse but also reduces the amount of stimulation
your breasts need. So better to avoid them!
6 increase milk supply
by pumping
Pumping can also be a great way to stimulate your
breasts and increase your overall milk supply. The
best thing about pumping is that it allows you