Editor’s Note
It’s that time of the year where you’ve never missed
order and structure so much in your life. School
is starting, parents are so ready for the kids to be
back and to have a ‘schedule’ again, and the kids are
readapting to an actual sleep routine. Though you
MAY have spent more money on clothes and school
supplies than you have in your retirement fund and
you dread the idea of the car line, order is here nonethe
less and remember you only have 18 summers
with them! Also, maybe it’s just me, but I like this time of year because there is
something about kids going back to school gets me feeling like the holidays are
approaching and well, Elf has nothing on my excitement for that! So, whether
you are excited for younger ones going back, sad for older ones going away to
college, or you have no children, cherish this season and focus on all things
beautiful that bring joy because life is too short for anything else. I hope you
enjoy this issue of my publication and that you find helpful tips and resources to
health, life, beauty, and more!
Aileen Perez Figueroa XOXO
Editor in Chief
Aileen Perez Figueroa
Tammy Gordon
Aileen Figueroa, Amanda Salcido,
Dr. Mariela Lung, Dr. Mitsie Vargas,
Tom Saunders
First-Rate Media
P.O. Box 6542
Lakeland, FL 33807
Published by First-Rate Media, Inc. The articles and advertisements published in Woman to Woman Magazine do not necessarily reflect the opinion of
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