Latinas in the Armed Forces
A Stronger Military for the Nation
By Gloria Romano-Barrera
Latinas are taking more active roles in the
military, serving on the front or in a
civilian manner. Whether they are in
combat or managing in-house programs, they are
giving their all to the nation. Meet 13 Latinas
who make the military stronger and diverse.
Gunnery Sergeant
Alice Ramos
U.S. Marine Corps
The first member of her family to enlist in
the military Gunnery Sergeant Alice Ramos
is a native of San Francisco, California.
Raised in Los Angeles, California by a
single Mexican immigrant mother of four
girls, she began her Marine Corps career
at Parris Island, SC after enlisting on July
10, 2000. At the age of 24 she enlisted in
the Marine Corps to challenge herself and find a new path.
“The Marine Corps offered the challenges I needed,” she shares. “I am
a first generation Mexican-American and I felt it was necessary to give back
to this country that has given my family and me so many opportunities. Like
many Marines whom have served and are serving today, I wanted to be part
of something bigger than me.”
In January 2001, she reported to her reserve unit Marine Aircraft Group
46 at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar, California where she served as an
administrative clerk. In March of 2002, she was promoted to rank of Corporal.
She was also activated in 2003 in support of Operation Enduring Freedom. In
July 2005 she was promoted to rank of Sergeant. In December 2012, she was
promoted to Staff Sergeant. In July 2017, she was promoted to her
current grade of Gunnery Sergeant. In August 2019, she reported to her
current assignment in Headquarters, G7 4th Marine Division, New Orleans,
“My goal is to always positively impact the community that I live in via
community relations,” she shares. “I will continue inspiring others to get
involved in community service.”
Major Kelly A. Guerra,
Medical Specialist Corps
U.S. Army
“I joined the military after starting college
because my family did not have the funds
to sustain a college education,” shares
Major Kelly A. Guerra, Medical Specialist
Corps, U.S. Army. “I did one semester after
high school and quickly ran out of the small
scholarship I received. I spoke to a U.S. Army Recruiter who let me know the
possibilities were endless if I joined the military. I am so grateful to have
listened and joined the Army to be part of something bigger than myself. I
can’t imagine my life without the military!”
A first-generation Salvadoran born in Santa Ana, California, Major
Guerra wanted to give back to the country that afforded her family so much
opportunity. She enlisted in the U.S. Army Reserve on August 9, 2001, so she
could immediately start her path to help others and become a nurse. She
attended Basic Combat Training at Fort Leonard Wood, Missouri, for nine
weeks where she earned the title of Soldier. Sixteen weeks later, she
completed the Health Care Specialist Course at Fort Sam Houston, Texas,
where she earned her certification as an Emergency Medical Technician –
Basic. The fulfillment of her childhood dream continued in the Practical Nursing
Course at Fort Lewis, Washington, for one year where she earned her
vocational nursing license. Recognizing she was part of something much
bigger than herself with endless opportunities, Guerra embarked on a career
in military medicine.
In 2015, she deployed in support of Operation Enduring Freedom to
Djibouti, located in the Horn of Africa. In 2016, she was assigned as an Army
Medical Recruiter promoting Army Medicine by sharing the great
opportunities that come with serving. In 2019, she completed the U.S. Army
Flight Surgeon Course at Fort Rucker, Alabama, earning her wings as an
aviation physician assistant.
Major Mabel
U.S. Marine Corps
Epitomizing the core values and citizenwarrior
attributes of the Marine Corps,
Major Mabel Annunziata is an inspirational
team builder who brings out the best
in others and is the driving force behind
an operational planning team that is
developing decisions for the Assistant
Commandant of the Marine Corps to
change Service organizational layout to support the National Defense
Strategy and the Commandant's Planning Guidance.
30 LATINAStyle V ol. 26, No. 6, 2020