Celebrate our Servicewomen and Men
in the Military During the Holidays
By Marisa Rivera
The year 2020 will mark an epic year for the world and
especially the USA. We have experienced a world pandemic
that shutdown the entire world and continues to shake the
¡Las Jefas!
core of the USA health, economy, and wellbeing of its citizens. We have
also experienced social unrest, economic distress and a presidential
election like no other. As we approach the holidays, let’s not forget our
women and men in the military who are being deployed all over this
country in support of the stateside COVID-19 operations. Instead of
Thanksgiving and holiday eats and shopping, many servicemen and women
are being deployed to support national COVID-19 operations.
The Department of Defense has been at the forefront in battling the
war against COVID-19. They have been working closely with the
Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the U.S. Department of
State to provide support in dealing with the coronavirus disease outbreak
(Military on Source, 2020).
Since the creation of Operation Warp Speed, a partnership among
the Department of Health and Human Services and the Department of
Defense, and private firms and other federal agencies, to accelerate the
development, manufacturing and distribution of COVID-19 vaccines,
therapeutics and diagnostics the military has been involved, including our
Latino/a brothers and sisters. Latinas and Latinos are a critical part to
the readiness of the total armed forces and key contributors to the
Department of Defense national defense missions. Hispanics are the fastest
growing population in the military, making up about 16 percent of all
active-duty military, according to the Department of Defense (USA Today,
June 2020).
Our military is always ready to go to war and battle any enemy in
defense of the USA. This year has been a battle against a virus that has
caused the death of over 283,000 Americans in the last nine months (John
Hopkins Univ.) That is more than four times the casualties of U.S. Armed
Forces who died in the 19-year Vietnam war.
Our servicewomen and men have been deployed to build hospitals,
assist with shortages of medical and hospital personnel, distribute PPE
equipment, work on testing sights,
etc., and now DoD is partnering with
the CDC and other parts of HHS to
coordinate supply, production, and
distribution of vaccines.
During this holiday season, let’s
not forget our servicemen and
women who are also in the front
lines, serving this country and away
from home. They have answered this
country’s call and are ready and
equipped to fight this new enemy
that threatens the health and safety
of all Americans.
We have to be grateful, thankful, and honor our servicewomen and
men who are sacrificing their holidays away from home to serve their
country once again, not in a foreign land, but here at home. Our prayers
and blessings also extend to the military families that also have to spend
another holiday season without their loved ones.
Happy Holidays to you and yours and may God bless and protect
America-The home of the Brave.
Want to comment or have any questions on this article?
Email us at info@latinastyle.com
Marisa Rivera is
president of
Mpowerment Works,
a motivational
speaker, executive
coach and
leadership and
consultant. Marisa@
40 www.latinastyle.com LATINAStyle V ol. 26, No. 6, 2020