Vol. 26, No. 2,
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Publisher’s Message
LATINA Style Magazine COVID-19 Edition.
Vol. 26, No. 2, 2020.
A year like no other, that’s what everybody says, of course, it’s true. Who
among us would have thought that the whole world would be brought to
its knees by a virus that has greatly disrupted our way of life. COVID-19 has
killed over 300,000 Americans, infected more than 16 million and we are not
out of the woods yet. The insane claims of naysayers have been in great part
responsible for the growth of infections in our country and around the world. The
whole medical and scientific community has been put in a position of being
undermined by ignorance and, in fact, evil intent.
The deaths across the world exceed 1.6 million with over 72 million infected.
In an incredible effort to combat the virus, vaccines have been created in record
time and people will begin receiving them this week. There are not enough words
to thank the courage, commitment, and valor of our front-line personnel. On 9/11
firefighters entered the towers knowing well that they could come down any minute.
They did not hesitate, and their commitment to saving lives cost them their own.
This year nurses and medical personnel have entered the Emergency Rooms
and hospitals knowing that no matter how many precautions they take, their lives
would also be on the line. They have not hesitated to face the challenge. We have
lost so many in the battle that it is hard to understand the scope of the tragedy. Yet
so many lives have been saved by their courage, that it is inconceivable to think
where we would be without their selfless dedication.
For the rest of us who have so far been “spared”, we have tried to contribute
by trying to keep our businesses alive through the madness, and do the simple
things we know for a fact make a difference in spreading the virus, such as
wearing a mask, washing your hands, sanitize your environment, and trying to stay
away from crowds as much as we can. At a time when more than 100,000 small
businesses have closed permanently and 7.5 million are at risk of closing, we were
able to conduct our programs virtually including our LATINA Style Business Series
thanks to our partnership with Nationwide, Wells Fargo, Bank of America, JPMorgan
Chase, and American Airlines, and our National LATINA Symposium recognizing
our Latinas in the military and veterans, through our partnership with Walmart and UPS.
Our December issue honors our Latina heroes serving in the military, let’s never
forget them. I hope that 2021 will turn on the light at the end of the tunnel and that
we will create a new normal that will allow us to continue with our mission of
empowering our communities. Stay strong, be safe, stay healthy, wear your mask,
observe all precautions, it is not only about keeping yourself healthy, but your family
as well. Finally, remember, YOU ARE NOT ALONE, God bless you and protect you!
Founder & Publisher Anna Maria Arias
President & CEO Robert E. Bard
Chief Operating Lupita Colmenero
Officer Lupita@latinastyle.com
Managing Editor Gloria Romano-Barrera
Contributing Victor Hugo Coronado Castañeda
Graphic Designer
Contributors Angelina M. Urbina
Betty Aguilar Avila
Christine Bolaños
Lisa “La Coronela” Carrington Firmin
Marisa Rivera
Mark Goulston
Moni Jefferson
Sofia Ciro
William D. Rodriguez
Senior Events Manager Tania Davila
Events Coordinator Deanne K. Hernandez
Accounting & Maria E. Gallegos
Circulation Director maru@latinastyle.com
Director of Beana Ramirez
Corporate Relations Beana.d@latinastyle.com
Social Media & Valeria Rodriguez
Marketing Assistant Valeria@latinastyle.com
Web Address www.latinastyle.com
Stock Photography istockphoto.com
Stay healthy, Stay safe.
LATINA Style is published bimonthly by LATINA Style, Inc. 2102 Empire
Central, Dallas, TX, 75235. Subscriptions are available at $20 for two years
for a total of 12 issues. To subscribe to LATINA Style call (214) 357-2186 or send
checks to LATINA Style Magazine, 2102 Empire Central, Dallas, TX,
75235. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial
or advertising matter. Editorial submissions must be accompanied by a
self-addressed, stamped envelope. The publisher assumes no responsibility
for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. No part of this magazine may
be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permission of
the editor. Copyright by LATINA Style, Inc. All rights reserved. "LATINA
Style" (ISSN 1531-0868). Vol. 26, No. 6, 2020.
Robert E. Bard
4 www.latinastyle.com LATINAStyle V ol. 26, No. 6, 2020