Maya Joins the Family
Eggy's By Betty Aguilar Avila
Hi, my name is Maya. My warrior
celebrate mom's grandson and my nephew,
mom is Betty Aguilar Avila and
Isaac’s 21st birthday. That was my first party ever.
she calls me bebé. I was born
I loved how much fun people seem to have at
August 12, 2020 and I joined mom in October.
these parties.
As a newborn, I am just discovering the world and
I know that pets like me can help people feel
I am curious about everything around me.
happier and when they are happier, their health
I joined mom's life to bring her comfort, care,
improves. We help with routines, soothing when
and company. When I joined her, I learned she
things don’t go so well and are always there.
had been recovering from an aggressive type of
Mami Betty and I have many plans for 2021.
cancer for the last three years. I was amazed at
We would like to travel when it’s safe to travel
her strength and courage and how hard she
again. We will go to her cancer support groups
works towards her recovery. I love that I am now
together and will share our story of recovery and
a part of her recovery by bringing her joy and
support. And I will be by her side as she pursues
love. She tells me all about the time the positive
her nutrionist certificate program.
impact I make in her life. She inspires me to know
I hope the story of our experience together
that no matter how hard things are in our lives
can inspire you to welcome us, furry friends, into
when we have faith, do the work, and have the
your lives. I know there are many other pets like
right support, things can get better.
me who want to bring love and comfort to other
Some of my favorite activities with mom are
I love my mom because she spoils me and
people. Thank you for considering bringing my
reading the Bible, meditating, gardening, going
gives me as much love as I give her. We love
fellow pet sisters and brothers.
on walks, and listening to classical music. When
online shopping and love dressing up on a
Want to comment or have any
she is not working on her health, she likes to help
regular basis but particularly for special
questions on this article? Email us
other people and empower them.
occasions. I wore a beautiful pink dress to
Betty Aguilar Avila with Maya.
34 LATINAStyle Vol. 26, No. 6, 2020