Claudia (right) with her husband Alex and two daughters Ceci and Alexa. Christmas 2019 - Mexico City.
Today, Márquez’ challenges are different as she transitioned to a new
country, and she has been working diligently to make the transition as
successful as possible by being proactive and adapting to a new life.
“More than a language or cultural barriers, as I am local, one of my main
challenges is related to staying connected with new generations and changing
environments,” she shares. “To come back to my country after several years of
international work experience and having the opportunity to apply the gained
knowledge and key learnings in terms of best practices to my new role is the
best part of working at Hyundai-Mexico. The Hyundai Motor Mexico team
combines young talent and experienced professionals and I truly enjoy the
opportunity to be involved in our talent management strategies which include,
how we attract, develop and retain people.”
Living in a new country will bring with it new experiences and changes, yet
for Márquez, her professional leadership staples such as open communication,
and values remain with her wholeheartedly.
“The governance of our local company needs to be very clear,” she shares.
“Innovation comes through a diverse group of empowered people that bring
ideas together and finally build the best solution to achieve a common goal. I
force myself to encourage the team to act with that spirit and behavior. The
customer is the number one priority in every thought and without a doubt should
be at the core of every idea pitch.”
Coping with today’s challenging and uncertain times, Márquez continues
to lead by example, challenging ideas, and being adaptable.
“Related to the company, since the beginning, we made sure that our
employees were safe,” she shares. “Related to our dealers, we supported them
through different measures to cope with the imminent financial hit. Related to
our customers, we supported them with their loan payments if needed, and we
implemented concierge pick-up delivery for their aftersales needs. We extended
the warranty duration for the vehicles that were expiring during this period.”
In addition, the company has launched an integrated corporate
responsibility campaign related to: Awareness and Responsibility
(#Aprovechemos el Alto - #Avancemos con Precaución); Transportation
readiness for doctors, nurses, hospital administration employees that didn’t
have the availability of safe transportation from their houses to the hospitals
(#Yo cedo)
Personally, Márquez has been working from home since mid-March of
2019, making sure every health guideline is respected. She remains optimistic,
focused, and very busy.
“Spending quality time with my family, exercising, cooking on the side - of
course, my daily job responsibilities are key elements in my daily plan,” shares
the mother of two, daughters Ceci and Alexa. “The current health crisis has
been an opportunity to learn how to be more resilient, and more aware and
appreciative of who we have by our side. Without a doubt, this is truly a
wake-up call to revisit what is really important in life.” LS
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16 LATINAStyle V ol. 27, No. 1, 2021