Publisher’s Founder & Publisher Anna Maria Arias
President & CEO Robert E. Bard
Chief Operating Lupita Colmenero
Managing Editor Gloria Romano-Barrera
Eggy and Wonder play over frozen pool during snow storm in Texas,
February,N 2021.
ever give up, never give in. The immortal inspirational words that inspire so
many of us. But after a year of continued fighting, it’s getting old. Is there no
end in sight? The legacy of 2020, “the year like no other”, continues. After 27
years in business I thought that we at LATINA Style had seen it all; how wrong were we?
What challenges could possibly lay ahead of us that we haven’t seen already? Well, for
us here in Dallas and in Texas, for that matter, we had a “nice” little surprise that knocked
the state sideways and has made us realize that electricity rules. As we begin to defrost
from the inclement weather and begin to take stock of the damage we suffered we have
to refocus and remember that we still are in the middle of a pandemic that has claimed
the lives of over 500,000 of our neighbors, friends and relatives. It seems that we all
know someone who has been directly affected by the COVID-19 virus. We are “learning
to live” with the pandemic praying that the vaccine becomes universally available and
effective throughout the world. So let’s catch our breath, mask-up, sanitize, and walk into
our next virtual meeting. Remember that the worse loss of any kind is when you get
knocked out in the last seconds of the 12th round. We will get through this, but we must
remain vigilant. Watching our country navigate through these turbulent times feels like
a bad movie that will end soon with an ok ending. At least we hope it does.
In this edition, we are pleased to bring you a profile of Latina leaders in the auto
industry. The work of these amazing group of professionals is seldom recognized. They
are role models all over the world.
On a lighter note, the highlight of our last weekend was realizing that while we were
evaluating the storm damage in our patio our superstar and published author-dog Eggy,
had decided to take a shortcut to the other side of the yard by walking across our pool!
His “sister” Wonder, just looked at him with an expression that said “Are you crazy? I’m
not going in there! You better get out!” Thank God our pool was frozen solid and the ice
did not break, although our hearts had the biggest jump in years! Lesson learned, don’t
take your eyes off the little rascals, not even for a minute.
4 LATINAStyle Vol. 27, No. 1, 2021
Contributing Victor Hugo Coronado Castañeda
Graphic Designer
Contributors Azucena Maldonado
Christine Bolaños
Dania Matos
José Muñoz
Lismar Berro
Marisa Rivera
SGT Maiya LeBron
Mike Caraballo
Priscilla Guasso
Yaratzeth Ortiz
Senior Events Manager Tania Davila
Events Coordinator Deanne K. Hernandez
Accounting & Maria E. Gallegos
Circulation Director
Director of Beana Ramirez
Corporate Relations
Social Media & Valeria Rodriguez
Marketing Assistant
Web Address
Stock Photography
Photo Cover: Empowering Latinas in the Auto Industry. Latinas at
Hyundai Motor America. (L-R): Monique Morin Kumpis, Senior
Group Manager, Brand Marketing & Advertising; Yasmin Siu,
Senior Group Manager, Purchasing, and Alma Murray, Senior
Counsel, Privacy. Photo courtesy:David Dewhurst.
Stay healthy, Stay safe.
LATINA Style is published bimonthly by LATINA Style, Inc. 2102 Empire
Central, Dallas, TX, 75235. Subscriptions are available at $20 for two years
for a total of 12 issues. To subscribe to LATINA Style call (214) 357-2186 or send
checks to LATINA Style Magazine, 2102 Empire Central, Dallas, TX,
75235. The publisher reserves the right to accept or reject any editorial
or advertising matter. Editorial submissions must be accompanied by a
self-addressed, stamped envelope. The publisher assumes no responsibility
for return of unsolicited manuscripts or art. No part of this magazine may
be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permission of
the editor. Copyright by LATINA Style, Inc. All rights reserved. "LATINA
Style" (ISSN 1531-0868). Vol. 27, No. 1, 2021.
Robert E. Bard