Liliana Ramirez
Global Director, Lean Manufacturing and Culture
Ford Motor Company
This year, Liliana Ramirez marks her 20th anniversary at Ford Motor Company. The
more seasoned a professional she becomes, the more she understands the
struggles others face and that is why she wants to pave a path to make it easier to
move ahead for underrepresented groups.
Ramirez serves as Global Director of Lean Manufacturing and Culture. She is
responsible for overseeing the Ford Production System (FPS), learning and
development, and culture in manufacturing for Ford.
“I have global responsibilities for FPS, an operating system designed to ensure
we operate uniformly across plants globally. This includes how the plant starts up,
runs production, handles data, engages and cares for employees, as well as
managing production time,” she explains.
“FPS provides the standards to ensure Ford produces high-quality vehicles in
a safe and efficient way.”
In her free time, Ramirez serves as co-chair of the Women of Ford
manufacturing resource group and as executive sponsor of Ford Hispanic Network.
She volunteers with nonprofits such as Ford Piquette Avenue Plant and Detroit Latino
Synergy Group.
Born in Chicago and raised in Colombia, Ramirez says her greatest
professional passion is the people side of business.
Her passion for human connection links back to her Latina roots and centers
around the themes of family, loyalty, working together and supporting one another.
“It is my mission to help Latinas succeed,” Ramirez says. “I believe it is my
responsibility to help develop them. We as leaders, need to take it upon ourselves
to mentor and sponsor others.”
Stefanie Henkel
Assistant Manager, Corporate Branding – Global Marketing
General Motors
As a young girl, Stefanie Henkel belonged to the Catholic Pandillas de la Amistad, a
Mexican-based Girl Scouts-like organization dedicated to doing good for the
community. The group’s motto was “Unidos Todos Para Formar Un Mundo Mejor,”
which translates to: “All together to create a better world.”
Henkel adopted this motto in her own life and it’s what led her to General
Motors where she was responsible for Strategic Purchasing Planning for Customer
and Aftersales up until a few weeks ago, before being promoted to a marketing role
where she will play a key part in launching GM’s new logo and campaign around
future electric vehicles.
Henkel led strategic initiatives for Top 6 products offered to aftersales
customers, including wholesale, dealer and retail. She worked cross-functionally
with suppliers and GM subsidiaries globally to review market trends, supplier
capability and customer needs. She led the team to create solid strategies that
allowed CCA-GM to leverage the Global Purchasing Network.
Henkel transferred from Mexico to the U.S. for work only five years ago.
“When you do your best you have that feeling that everything is going to be fine,”
Henkel says.
She began her career with GM in Mexico in 2012 and has held several key
positions since, including on the Leadership Rotational and Developmental program.
Her attraction to leadership roles doesn’t stop there. She is president of the
GM Latino Network -- CCA Chapter for two years and counting.
Her colleagues describe her as a “change agent” who is constantly supporting
diversity and inclusion priorities within the workplace.
22 LATINAStyle V ol. 27, No. 1, 2021