Trixie’s Love Language
By Dania Matos, Esq.
Eggy's “Besitos, Trixie!” Every morning
I wake up exclaiming that
with joy after I express my
gratitude to God for waking me up that
morning. Right next to me is a furry
Pomeranian licking me (or kissing me
in dog speak) to start my day and
she has a huge smile on her face (yes,
dogs smile) to light up the world and
remind me of the unconditional love she
gives. How could you be mad even on a Monday (if
you remember what day of the week it is) with this
daily morning ritual?
We roll out of bed and put on our COVID
uniform. You know what I am talking about. Yoga
pants (we now own hundreds), fuzzy socks (our
go-to shoewear), our double masks now because
who knows what strain we’re on, the most comfy
boots and a hooded sweatshirt, the latter two only
being because we’re going for a walk to brave the
elements because we know we don’t really wear any
shoes anymore. We stroll around the neighborhood
- these days walks are longer and we’ve learned to
appreciate the small things - things that we never
had time to notice before when morning commutes
made Trixie’s walks much shorter and my mind was
usually on how long it would take me to get to the
office that day and what lay ahead. We put on our
Trixie enjoys her car ride in the Tesla Model X.
favorite playlist and remember all the things we are
grateful for in a time where that may seem much
meeting has gone too long and is interrupting
harder to do, but yet we persist.
our quality time. She is a constant reminder that
We get back home to hop in the car and get our
everything is going to be okay and the blessing that
groceries early for the week so that the least amount
it is that we have so much time together. For those
of people are there and we can get in and out with
of you like me whose love languages are physical
the least exposure to ourselves and others. Luckily,
touch and quality time, Trixie has kept my love
my Tesla Model X car has an awesome “dog” button
tank full. In a world where nothing is certain and
leaving the climate on and a notice on the car
everything is changing, Trixie is the constant that
display letting others know “Do not worry.” My owner
gets me through and always fills my day with belly
will be right back and the temperature is blank inside
(so they know how warm or cool the climate is - it
auto-adjusts to keep Trixie happy and comfortable
and me at ease.) We get our drive through custard
(Trixie’s version of coffee) and as she enjoys her
vanilla custard on our way home, I am ready to start
the never-ending day of Zooming everywhere
without moving except for the sit-stand desk that
forces me to do one or the other to pretend like I am
going somewhere.
Throughout the day, Trixie is by my side, curled
in her bed under my desk and tapping me for belly
rubs throughout the day. She also likes to make the
occasional Zoom appearance when she thinks a
34 LATINAStyle Vol. 27, No. 1, 2021 rubs and besitos. You can’t get better than that.
Right, Trixie?
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Dania Matos with Trixie.