Life on Himes
Life on Himes Campus Briefs
FRESHMAN RETREAT Jesuit’s Class of 2021 came together Nov. 4 on campus
for the annual Freedom & Brotherhood Freshman Retreat. Jesuit retreats are
refl ective experiences designed to help each student take an honest look at his
life, know more clearly how he stands before God, and provide tools for further
growth and development. The 2017 Freshman Retreat brought more than 200
students to campus on a Saturday afternoon for activities, discussions, and
refl ection, concluding with Mass and a candlelight Eucharistic Procession to the
Bell Tower.
HELPING PUERTO RICO In late September, Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto
Rico. Jesuits students, alumni, and families responded by raising more $30,000,
of which $25,000 went directly to the Jesuit school in San Juan, San Ignacio,
which had sustained major damage. Then, in early January, the San Ignacio
soccer team came to Tampa to participate in the Jesuit-hosted
inaugural Tampa Bay Invitational. That story was chronicled by both
the Tampa Bay Times and Spectrum Sports. Scan the QR code to
view the Spectrum Sports segment.
COMPANY BUSINESS Jesuit’s business club, The Company, has coordinated an
outstanding speaker series this school year. The club has generated great student
interest by bringing distinguished community business leaders to campus once a
month, before school, to speak to club members in Faber Hall and take questions
about their business operations. Among the guest speakers have been Xcira CEO
Nancy Rabenold, Jabil Circuit CFO Forbes Alexander, Sykes Enterprises president
and CEO Chuck Sykes (pictured speaking with club offi cers), and My Matrixx CEO
Artemis Emslie.
WINTER MUSIC FESTIVAL Dozens of Jesuit musicians, including the pep
band, guitar ensemble, choir, and chamber orchestra, showcased their
talents at the Winter Music Concert on Dec. 2 in the Multi-Purpose Room.
Led by Music Director Nina Wegmann and assisted by Dominick DiCarlo,
Jesuit musicians performed a spectacular “Classical Christmas.” The
musicians are slated to perform several times in the spring, including at
the Mission Drive Day Music Concert on April 20, Celebration of the Arts
on April 22, and the Spring Music Concert on April 28.
VETERANS DAY Jesuit’s annual Veterans Day celebration featured West
Point alumnus and 7-Eleven, Inc. CMO Jesus Delgado-Jenkins ’82, who
spoke at Convocation and lectured in Jesuit’s AP Economics and Honors
Economics classes. With many veterans in attendance – alumni, parents,
and grandparents who have served in the military – along with several
classmates from 1982, Delgado-Jenkins spoke about the impact of service.
“There are many ways to give back, and for me it was to go into military
service,” Delgado-Jenkins said. “Today, I feel a humble affi liation with all of
the men and women who have served.”
FATHER-SON GOLF One of the Jesuit Dads’ Club’s most treasured annual
events was a huge success again this year, the Father-Son Golf Tournament.
Held Oct. 22 at Temple Terrace Golf Club, this year’s event featured
beautiful weather, wonderful fellowship, and a great course. More than 100
Jesuit fathers and sons participated. Coming this spring is the Dads’ Club’s
annual Men for Others Dinner on April 15 at Higgins Hall, and the annual
Father-Son Fishing Tournament on April 21.