Alumni in Action
Jeff Millburg ’06 recently began his
new position as Tax Provision Manager
for Quality Distribution in Tampa.
Matt Gonzalez ’08 was named in the
Tampa Bay Business Journal’s annual
“Up & Comers Under 30” list for 2017.
Connor Penn ’11 traveled to Haiti with
a team of dentists and doctors as part
of the Renew Haiti outreach program
at Christ the King Catholic Church in
Nick Messina ’16 interned with U.S.
Representative Kathy Castor in Tampa
last summer. Messina is a sophomore at
George Washington University.
(continued from page 23)
Kevin Donohue ’06 recently was
appointed Principal at St. Joseph’s
Catholic School in Hawthorne, Calif.
Lance McCullers ’12 was the starting
pitcher in the Houston Astros’ Game 7
World Series-clinching 5-1 win. At 24
years, 1 month, McCullers became the
youngest starting pitcher in a World
Series Game 7 in 15 years. Two weeks
earlier, in Game 7 of the American
League Championship Series,
McCullers earned a historic 4-inning
save against the New York Yankees,
allowing just 1 hit and 0 runs.
Jett Angel ’16 was named the
recipient of the Seth Rossetti
Memorial Scholarship at Florida
State University.
Royce Pope ’17 was named the
Southern Athletic Association’s men’s
soccer Newcomer of the Year this
season at Centre (Ky.) College. Pope
tallied 6 goals and 5 assists in helping
the Colonels to a 12-5-3 record.
Sam Slone ’09 graduated from the
University of South Florida’s Morsani
College of Medicine in 2017 with high
honors. Slone also was the recipient
of the school’s Roy H. Behnke Award
For Excellence in Internal Medicine
and was a member of the Alpha
Omega Alpha Honor Medical Society.
He began his residency in July in
Internal Medicine in Tampa.
Griffi n Rain ’16 is the founder of
Pedal Power Cab, which provides
transportation on a modifi ed bicycle
ridden by Rain or an employee. Rain,
a sophomore business major at
Marquette University, and his
company were featured on
Marquette University Television.
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