By SMSgt Lucero Stockett, USAF
Born and raised in one of the most dangerous
cities (Juarez) in Mexico, and with little to nothing,
my appreciation for the land of opportunity (USA)
grew when I moved to the city of El Paso, TX at the
tender age of 10. Growing up with ample support of
the US government and both my parents hard at work,
I was taught to appreciate the little things in life.
My mother taught me to stay humble and my father taught me
to be loyal. My mother made it a habit to always point out the
opportunities that where afforded by living in the states, compared
to my family members living in Mexico. I remember going to a
school that was free, with free lunch and transportation. I was
always grateful that I got to receive all of this for free and to
top it off, I got to learn a new language.
When the time came to graduate from high school, there was
no doubt in my mind that I wanted to give back to the country
who had given me everything, it was my turn to pay back and
pay forward, so that others could have what I had growing up.
I enlisted in the USAF with a guaranteed job of an Inflight
Refueling Operator. Now, I’ll be honest and tell you that I
didn’t even know what that was, other than the job was a
flying job, and that the Air Force was going to pay for my
living arrangements, food, and education. What more can a girl
ask for? I was so naïve that I didn’t even know you got paid! This
Latina Letters From the Front!
17-year-old heard free room and board and she said, “sign me
up!” Needless to say, when I realized we got a paycheck, I was
on cloud nine!
I was flying around on a KC-10 at the age of 17, refueling
airplanes all around the world, seeing places I only could
imagine growing up, and I didn’t even have a driver’s license;
but I could refuel multimillion dollar airplanes in midair. My
military journey has taken me to refuel and transport cargo
and passengers all around the world. I have deployed multiple
times and have supported my brothers and sisters in combat.
I have volunteered to be a Military Training Instructor at
Lackland, AFB and have loved transforming civilians into
Warrior Airmen.
I joined the military not to escape poverty or for a better life. I
joined the military to give back to those who need it the most. To
repay this beautiful country who has given me more than I could
have ever imagined. I found my purpose in the military, the
purpose to take care of people and stay true to what both my
father and mother taught me.
Stay loyal and humble, empower others to be the best version
of themselves. Help others succeed and when it gets hard,
remember where you came from, dig deep into your roots and
stay positive, because things could always be worse. Make a
change that has a positive impact and above all, live your purpose
to the fullest. LS
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SMSgt Stockett receiving an award for 2017
Boom Operator of the Year.
Boom Operators winning an AF level Award for the best
Air Refueling section in the Air Force.
52 LATINAStyle Vol. 24, No. 4, 2018