Founder & Publisher Anna Maria Arias
President & CEO Robert E. Bard
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Managing Editor Gloria Romano-Barrera
Graphic Designer Andrea Saadvandi
Contributors Alex Gorsky
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SMSgt Lucero Stockett
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LATINA Style is published bimonthly by LATINA Style, Inc. 2102 Empire
Central, Dallas, TX, 75235. Subscriptions are available at $20 for two years
for a total of 12 issues. To subscribe to LATINA Style call (214) 357-2186 or send
checks to LATINA Style Magazine, 2102 Empire Central, Dallas, TX,
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be reprinted or otherwise duplicated without the written permission of
the editor. Copyright by LATINA Style, Inc. All rights reserved. "LATINA
Style" (ISSN 1531-0868). Vol. 24, No. 4, July/August, 2018.
Robert E. Bard Publisher’s Message
We are proud to present you with our 2018 LATINA Style 50
Report highlighting the Best Companies for Latinas to work
for in the U.S. It is our pleasure to announce that Johnson &
Johnson has been selected as our Company of the Year. When we launched
the LATINA Style 50 program in 1998 few in our community were
focusing their attention on issues of corporate diversity and inclusion.
And there was no focus yet on the Hispanic professional working
woman. Now 21 years later our program is stronger than ever, diversity
and inclusion is on everyone’s agenda and the number of companies
participating makes the selection of the Company of the Year an even
more difficult task requiring the evaluation of hundreds of variables.
For the past few years, a veteran’s component has also been added to
the survey. This year’s LATINA Style 50 Company of the Year winner is
no stranger to the process. They have been participating in the program
since 2001. Always ranking at the very top, J&J has always demonstrated
a commitment to their workforce, creating innovative initiatives and programs
to empower their employees. It also happens that J&J is unique in corporate
America in the fact that two Latinas lead billion-dollar divisions of the
company. Maria Eduarda Kertesz is the president of J&J U.S. HealthE
and Michelle Freyre is president of J&J U.S. Beauty. They are joined by
a number of Latinas at senior positions in the company.
The J&J Employee or Business Resource Group, HOLA, continues to
be recognized as one of the most innovative groups in corporate America.
I am sure that the company success can be closely related to the company
Credo, a mission statement written by its former Chairman, Robert Wood
Johnson in 1943. It is prominently displayed at the company headquarters, so
it is no surprise that this year they reached the very top. We congratulate them
on their unwavering commitment to empowering their workforce and
surely a best place for Latinas to work for.
“We are responsible to our employees, the men and women who work
with us throughout the world. Everyone must be considered as an individual.
We must respect their dignity and recognize their merit. They must have a
sense of security in their jobs. Compensation must be fair and adequate,
and working conditions clean, orderly and safe. We must be mindful of
ways to help our employees fulfill their family responsibilities. Employees
must feel free to make suggestions and complaints. There must be equal
opportunity for employment, development and advancement for those
qualified. We must provide competent management, and their actions
must be just and ethical.” Excerpt from J&J Credo.
Congratulations to CEO Alex Gorsky and his leadership team. We look
forward to highlighting J&J’s accomplishment at our 21st LATINA Style
50 Awards and Diversity Leaders Conference this coming February 20 &
21 in Washington D.C. It will be a very special ceremony since we will
also be celebrating the 25th Anniversary of LATINA Style Magazine.
4 LATINAStyle Vol. 24, No. 4, 2018