Anna Shaw Children’s Institute will provide care for children from birth to age 11 who are in need of care for:
• Attention disorders
• Autism spectrum disorders
• Behavioral issues due to developmental delays
• Behavioral and developmental challenges due to pediatric chronic illnesses
(genetic disorders, epilepsy, prematurity, diabetes, asthma, cancer)
• Developmental delays in speech, language, and thinking ability
• Follow-up evaluations after graduating from the Neonatal ICU
• Habit disorders
• Learning disorders
• Motor skill delays related to other conditions
• Regulatory disorders
• Visual and hearing impairments
“Anna Shaw Children’s Institute will
be such a blessing. We have spent the
last four and half years driving out of
town for therapy visits and doctor’s
appointments. We can’t wait for
this center to open and see what a
wonderful impact it will have.”
- Jessica Truelove
Focusing on early intervention, the Anna Shaw Children’s Institute will provide cognitive, psychological, and developmental
in the areas of developmental behavioral and neurodevelopmental pediatrics, as well as child psychology and behavioral
therapy will be on hand. A treatment navigator will provide one-on-one assistance with care resources for children and
Based on the child’s needs, treatments may include:
• Oral motor/Feeding therapy
• Music therapy
• Aquatic therapy
• Sensory integration therapy
• Neuromotor treatment
• Psychological testing, counseling, and evaluation
• Individual and family counseling
• Social skills groups
• Applied behavioral analysis (ABA)
Additional services include:
• Assistance with insurance pre-authorization
• Collaboration with local providers for custom orthotics
• Support services to assist families through diagnostic and
treatment processes, as well as assistance in identifying
support groups, specialized summer camps, etc.
“The resources that will be available for special needs children will be tremendous,” says Laura Bock, St. Mark’s Preschool
Director. “Providing services for children at a young age will have a positive impact on their future.”
Exciting features of the Institute:
appointment (accommodating children with sensitivities to elevators)
• Fun, playful lobby furniture
• Specially designed restrooms
• 2,900-square-foot indoor gym with an adaptive climbing wall, indoor track, and built-in slide
• Outdoor therapy area with multiple surfaces for gait training
• Private therapy rooms for children who prefer smaller treatment areas
• Multiple customized therapy areas:
o Sensory intergration therapy room
o Crawler gym for younger children
o Feeding therapy rooms
o Aquatic therapy room
• Sibling play areas
• Gift shop with weighted blankets, sensory friendly toys, cozy book nook, etc.
One out of 64 children in Georgia
has been diagnosed with autism
spectrum disorder and one out of
8 has been diagnosed with ADHD.*
Early intervention is critical to
the long-term well-being of these
children and their families.
*Centers for Disease Control and Prevention