V I S I O N + T R A D I T I O N :
As the hiteld Healthcare oundation celebrates its 44th
year and looks ahead to Hamilton’s upcoming centennial in
2021, thoughts turn to those who have shaped Hamilton
into the strong healthcare system it has become today.
No one has embodied the high ideals of Hamilton and the
oundation more than the late Hamilton Medical Center
president, Norman D. Burkett, Sr. To honor his immense
contributions of vision and leadership, and his illustrious 35-
year career, the oundation has created The Burkett Society
to recognize individuals and families whose cumulative gifts
have reached $50,000 or more. Chartered in 2018, The
Burkett Society represents the Burkett legacy of high ideals
and is comprised of oundation members who have made a
signicant impact on healthcare.
Norman Burkett established Hamilton’s reputation as
an innovative and highly regarded healthcare system. In
his 2006 book Hamilton: Linking Vision with Tradition, the
late Barry Parker wrote, “On dedication day, August 5,
1956, a crew cut young administrator toured the public
through a gleaming new Hamilton Memorial Hospital and
declared with pride, e will be one of the most modern
and well-equipped hospitals in the entire Southeast.’” Mr.
Burkett based his mission on simple terms and said, “It
comes down to the Golden Rule. e make sure that every
person who comes to us receives the most competent and
compassionate care possible, and that we do all we can to
eliminate their suffering and allay their fears, because that’s
the way we would want to be treated.”
A true leader in healthcare and in the Dalton community,
Mr. Burkett lived an exemplary life with honesty, integrity,
and a strong work ethic. He was rmly committed to the
oundation as a mentor and generous contributor.
“Norman Burkett was the original visionary who took
Hamilton from a small town hospital to a vibrant, regional
hospital,” says George Haigler, close friend of the late
Burkett and member of the famous Burkett walking club.
“He brought it into the modern era. He was the architect
of change, and when he left, his vision had transformed
Hamilton.” Describing Mr. Burkett as “a man for all
seasons, and a true friend,” George says he was the
“youngster” in the walking club which included the late
Jack Turner, the late Tom Minor, III, the late Dr. Murray
Lumpkin, the late Dr. Sid Sellers, and the late Dr. Roy
arrow and wife, Anne. George, wanting to learn what
he could from the group, laughingly says he kept his
“mouth shut and ears open.” He muses, “You could learn
everything that was going on in Dalton and more.”
ith 43 charter members at its inception in 2018, The
Burkett Society celebrates the oundation’s most loyal
and generous members. “Innovative programs, enhanced
technologies, and the latest in healthcare advancements
would not be possible without the support of these
benefactors. Burkett Society members help secure our
region’s future in healthcare,” states Lamar Lyle, Board
Chair, Hamilton Health Care System.
“Our Burkett Society donors fuel Hamilton in its
commitment to advance healthcare excellence,” says
Hamilton Health Care System President and CEO Jeff
Myers. “e rely on the inspired stewardship of our
oundation members. Their philanthropic leadership
serves as the cornerstone of our efforts.”
Members of The Burkett Society understand the
importance of philanthropy and embrace the idea that
consistent giving enables Hamilton to continually advance,
and many times, reinvent the healthcare experience for
patients. “Our goal is to honor this distinguished group of
philanthropic leaders with a premier giving society,” says
Jane Snipes, hiteld Healthcare oundation Executive
Director. “Mr. Burkett represented the best qualities in
human leadership, and we believe that having a society
named in his honor properly recognizes our oundation
members who have reached this milestone in giving.”
To learn how you can become a member of The Burkett
Society, please contact the Whiteld Healthcare
Foundation at 706.272.6128 or jsnipes@hhcs.org.
18 HamiltonHealth.com/foundation