We gratefully acknowledge these individuals who provided the following
gifts received from January 1 through December 31, 2018. Through the
generosity of our donors, the Whiteld Healthcare oundation is able to enhance
the patient care and health promotion programs of Hamilton Health Care System.
The following contributors provide for Hamilton Medical Center
through their sustaining support of the Westcott ellowship,
Westcott Association, Hamilton Business Alliance, Hamilton Club, or
other special projects.
(Bold Type Indicates Westcott
Fellow of Distinction)
Diane and Don Adcock
Karen and Buddy Anderson
Melanie Anderson
Shelia and Dean Baker
Phyllis Ball
Cheryl and Tim Baucom
Beth and Dr. Tom Bledsoe
Jane and Tommy Boggs
Brelinda and Richard Bolles
Valerie and Tray Brantley
Michelle Bright
Garnett Britt
Mary Ann and Bruce Broadrick
Janet and Bob Brooker
Terri and Mark Brown
Valerie and Vann Brown
Robyn and Chris Bryant
Dena and Alan Buttenhoff
Cinthia Campbell
Kelsi Caylor
Karmen and Clay Chambless
Susan and Bob Chandler
Roger Cheek and Alan Peeples
Bernita and Charles Coeld
Donna and Dan Combs
Susie Compton
Cheryl and William Creswell
Patricia Dean
Stephanie DeStories
Dr. Lisa Duhaime
Dana and Stan Easley
Candace and Sam Eaton
Melinda and LaDarren Edgeman
Dr. Chad Edwards
Kaki and Ernie Elemento
Nancy and Rob Estes
Cathy and John David erguson
Amy and Scott letcher
Melissa and John orrester
Tracey and Randall Foster
Samantha and Dr. Rick romm
Karen and Carl L. Griggs, Jr.
Brenda and Ed Guinn
Libby and George Haigler
Donna and Bryan Hair
Ruth Lee Hair
Justin Hare
Rebecca and Todd Harrison
Drs. Susan and Michael Hartley
Kimberly and Dr. David Hawkins
Terry and Jeff Heffelnger
Beth and Bruce Hehn
Pamela Hensley
Melanie Suggs and Elichai Hoenig
Cindy and Chip Howalt
Dee and Harvey Howalt
Janie and Gary Howard
Bernadette and Dr. Stanley Hoy
Mary and Bob Hubbs
Cindy and Randy Jarrett
Stephanie Jinright
Jodi and Tommy Johnson
Jean Jones
Jeane and Walter Jones
Lori and Bill Jourdain
Dr. Liz Kennedy and Dr. Vic Thomas
Dixie and Bob Kinard
Denise and Greg Kinnamon
Bett and Steve Laird
Yvette Lee
Billie and Norris Little
James D. Lunsford
Tera Lusk
Loutrelle and Lamar Lyle
Debbie and Bryan Macon
Bridget and Dr. Daniel Marcadis
Laurie Marsh
Bee and Tommy Maybank
Bryan E. McAllister
Ann and Joe McGuire
Sandy and Jimmy McKenzie
Martha and Tom Minor
Sara-Ellen and Blaine Minor
Janet and Bryan Morton
Amanda and Jeff Myers
Courtney and Ray Myers
Lisa and Rick Myers
Terri and John Neal
Shelley and Dr. Gary Olson
Kim and Bryan Ownbey
Gayle Parks
Todd Parrish
Amy and Bryan Peeples
Vickie and Tom Peeples
Pamela and David Pennington
Carl Puryear amily
Glenda and Brooks Rizer
Teresa and Dr. Stephen Rohn
Anita and Julian Saul
Linda Schejola
Dawn and Scott Sellers
Michelle and Clay Shaw
Dr. Reginald Sherrill
Lisa and Peter Sigmon
Sandra and Gregg Sims
Brenda G. Smith
Clyde H. Smith Estate
Jane and Dr. Brad Snipes
Alice and Doug Squillario
Jane Peeples Staneld
Jennifer and Grant Starnes
Kathryn West and Dr. Chris Stearns
Gregory K. Stinnett
Nancy and Lester Strain
Julie and Henry Tharpe
Todd White
Terri and Doug Woodruff
Betty and Bill Wright
Missy and Danny Wright
Nanette and Joe Yarbrough
Stephanie and Chris Yarbrough
Carol and Dr. Cortland Zimbrick
Anna and Zack Adamson
Mike Allen
Betty and Scott Andersen
Heidi and Bob Bethel
Myranda Bishop
Dr. Jeffery Bouadou
Judean Bowling
Cynthia and Kevin Brunson
Kim and Tim Brunson
Lara and Tom Bundros
Marcia and Stan Casteel
Joseph D. Chase
Breanna K. Cline
Anita and Oliver Cobb
C. Celeste Creswell
Julia Crosslin
Jezmin Crump
Nancy and Crutchie Crutcheld
Debbie and Derek Davis
Nichole Davis
Stephanie DeStories
Vicki Deweese
Cynthia Dixon
John Draper
Melody Eads
Emily Elrod
Marcia and Ray Evans
Steve romm
Jennifer and Scott Grafe
Teresa Green
Donna and Greg Greeson
Lucy and Mark Grifn
Debra Haney
Elizabeth and Bob Hardaway
Rhonda Harris
Ginger and Ricky Harrison
Michelle Haught
Lorrie and Randall Holley
Jeff Hughes
Jannie Jividen
Lindsey Kidd
Anita Killion
Dr. Stephanie Laontaine
Emily and Lane Lambert
Tammy Lawhorn
Lori and Kenny Lowery
Tiffany and Joe Martin
Renee Mathis
Kathy and Michael McAllister
Jody and Chuck McClurg
Laurie McGee
Catherine and Dr. Patrick Minor
Debbie and Dennis Mock
Barbara and Don Moore
Savannah and Andrew Moore
Olivia Nelson
Dyonne and Mike Nichols
Hanna Nicholson
Patsy and Darrell Ogles
Shirley Parker
Jennifer Payne
Elise Perez
Laura Petty
Kathryn Phillips
Henrietta Planzer
Holly Quarles
Stephanie and Jason Reynolds
Robert Rhodes
Agnes and Dr. John Richmond
Delories Riddlebarger
Pamela Ridley
Tucker Roach
Kevin Roberts
Teresa Rountree
April Rymer
Libby Smith
Cathy and Steve Snyder
Terri and David Sullivan
Jessica Sutton
Jennifer and Kendall Tate
Joanie Taylor
Dr. Zach Taylor
Wayne Teasley
Kacey Thompson
Ruth Thompson
Cindy and Dr. Craig Tidwell
Rachel Tyler
Daisy Vega
Ann and Dr. Luis Viamonte
Crystal Ward
Cynthia Washington
Angela and Jerry Watkins
Becky and David Wilkerson
Jade Wood
Jason Worthington
Acree, Jinright, Leonard Company
Advanced Insurance Strategies
Bank of America
BAS Corporation
Brandon Combs State arm Insurance
Brown Industries, Inc.
Coldwell Banker Kinard Realty
Dalton Legacy oundation
Dalton Utilities – Optilink
irst Bank of Dalton
Glaze Supply Company
Greater Dalton Chamber of Commerce
Le-Glue, Inc.
Morehouse Group
Nichols, Cauley Associates
OMNOVA Solutions, Inc.
Pippin Insurance Agency, Inc.
Shaw Industries Group
Snipes Orthodontics
Textile Rubber Chemical Company
VIAM Manufacturing, Inc.
White’s Pharmacy, LLC