Ramiro Cavazos with the Women in Business & Leadership Luncheon panel: Sonya
Medina Williams, Government Strategist, Papa John's International; Camila Casale,
Chief Marketing Officer, Claro Enterprise Solutions; Elizabeth Romero, SVP, Small
Business Client & Franchise Solutions Executive, Bank of America and Abigail
Golden-Vázquez, Executive Director, Aspen Institute Latinos and Society Program.
Anila Jivani, American Airlines receives award.
Elia Quintana, director of stakeholder relations for the American Petroleum Institute
(API), Salvador Mendoza,Vice President, Diversity & Inclusion at NBCUniversal,
guest and Brian Hall, Shell Oil Company.
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Email us at info@latinastyle.com
Rudy M. Beserra, Senior Vice President,
Latin Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company
with Lupita Colmenero and Robert Bard.
Former Governor Jerry Apodaca and
Hector V. Barreto, Chairman, The Latino
Coalition (TLC).
LATINAStyle Vol. 25, No. 5, 2019 www.latinastyle.com 33