Los Dichos de Mi Madre
the By Captain Marlene Rivera, USAF
From Intel Weapons Instructor
My father is the reason I joined the
Air Force. He retired in 2010
Letters after serving 30 years in the
United States Army and I am forever grateful
for the opportunities he created for my
brothers and me. It is his steady, objective
demeanor I attempt to emulate when faced
with difficult situations. He is my inspiration for
Latina serving in the Armed Forces, but, like most
Latinas, the bond I have with mi mamá is
second to none. My mother has always been
the backbone of our family and it is because
of her tough love, confidence, and strength
that I am the woman I am today.
In this article, I share how I have applied
two of mi mamá’s dichos to my life and
1. The Rivera Family. (L-R) (Back row) Captain Gabriel Rivera (USAF), Captain
“Es mejor estar sola que mal acompañada.”
Rachel Rivera (USAF) holding Alvaro Rivera, Captain Marlene Rivera (USAF),
It is better to be alone than in bad company. Those
Jacqueline Rivera, Sergeant Major Juan Rivera (USA Retired), Major Shayla Rivera
words were not easily heard or comprehended by
(USA), Major Juan Rivera (USA), (front row) Ezra Rivera, and Elias Rivera. June, 2018.
the insecure, young girl desperately trying to fit in
after every move our family made while my father
was in the military. The older I got, though, the more
meaningful they became. In college, her advice gave
me the courage to distance myself from people who
were making questionable life choices. That advice
has shaped my decision-making process about who
will be an acquaintance versus a friend and which
relationships I should invest in from the moment
I arrived at my first duty station. I learned some tough
lessons in my 20s but today I am proud to call an
incredible group of people in my life – “my Air Force
family” who support me through the tough times and
are the first in line to celebrate my successes.
2. “¡No te estoy gritando y no estoy enojada!”
Capt. Marlene Rivera in front of an F-15
Sergeant Major Juan Rivera (USA Retired)
I’m not yelling at you and I’m not mad! The first thing
painted to honor the memory of those
and Jacqueline Rivera welcome their
people notice about me is that my voice carries and
killed on 1 Oct 2017 in Las Vegas, NV.
daughter, Captain Marlene Rivera, home
the look on my face says it all. I have earned the
from her second deployment in January, 2018.
callsign “Rage” and despite my career field’s
graduation, my squadron commander said “Rage”
tendency to turn nicknames into acronyms, mine
had become synonymous with “emotion and
servicemember in the U.S. today, however, my
doesn’t stand for anything; it was intended to be
devotion.” My mom taught me to be proud of my
parents taught me to be unapologetically
a concise description of Captain Rivera. I was
loud personality and the military taught me how to
Puertorriqueña and the professionals I work with
fortunate enough to have my first supervisor tell me
adapt, not change, in order to conquer any challenge
empower me to view my ethnicity as a source of
my “passion” was contagious but quickly follow it up
I encounter.
strength that makes me a valuable member of any
with techniques to ensure some tact went along with
At work, I often find myself the only woman in
team I am a part of. LS
it! That was exactly the kind of mentorship I needed
the room and one of few, if not the only Latina in
to keep my personality traits from becoming a
organizations of hundreds of people. There have
Want to comment or have any questions on
liability. Four years later, at my Weapons School
been obstacles I had to overcome as a Latina
this article? Email us at info@latinastyle.com
36 www.latinastyle.com LATINAStyle Vol. 25, No. 5, 2019