This Holiday
Eggy's By Gina Torres and Valeria Rodriguez
It’s the holiday season so what better time
more attention than I usually do from my
to “expand our horizons” as Eggy would
mom and grandma. But the only bad thing
say than to be a guest writer for LATINA
about this time of the year is the weather. My
Style Magazine. My name is Leyla, I’m a
mom makes me wear sweaters and calls me
Yorkie Maltese mix and I’m eight years old.
Mr. Rogers, whoever that is. What are your
My co-writer Max is also a Yorkie Maltese!
favorite things about the holidays, Leyla?
No, we’re not siblings, couldn’t be! We’re
I would definitely say spending time with
complete opposites, with his level of chillness
the ENTIRE family, trust me we’re a big
and my sass. My mom is Gina, she and Max’s
family. My cousins will come over to play and
mom Valeria both work at LATINA Style.
eat all my treats, but it’s okay, sharing is
They are complete opposites, but somehow
caring, right? The house is filled with the
get along just great.
aroma of my abuelitas
We thought what
tamales, yummy (at
better way to celebrate
least I think they are)!
the season than
During the season
reminiscing on our
my mom exchanges my
holiday memories?
casual sweats for a red
Max take it away!
dress with white fur
Hi, I’m Max! I’m
trim, I look quite stylish
seven years old and an
if I do say so myself. It
only child. As Leyla
compliments my shiny
said, I’m extremely
blonde coat that my
chill just like my mom.
mom makes sure to
Our favorite thing to do
always brush out, along
is cuddle in bed and
with moisturizing my
watch scary movies
skin, and having me
(they’re not so scary
smell fresh as a daisy.
During this season I like
The holidays are
to grab my favorite
finally here and I’m
Gina Torres with Leyla. Christmas blanket and
so excited! My whole
jump in bed with my
family comes over to open presents, eat and
mom for some cuddles and a nap, yeah naps
Our gift to you, we promise not to bark at
spend time with me! The house smells really
are my favorite.
the mailman every once in a while and beg
good with all the food everyone makes, which
We hope you all have an amazing
for tummy rubs from strangers.
makes the kitchen get kind of busy. I don’t
holiday season and get to spend it with your
Happy Holidays from Leyla and Max!LS
help out too much though. Instead, I make
loved ones, especially your pups. Don’t forget
sure my human little cousins don’t run around
to get your best friend, (aka us), a gift too!
Want to comment or have any
and make a mess but they never listen…
We’ll take extra naps, treats, and a trip to the
questions on this article? Email us at
Either way, I love having company over! I get
dog park as gifts.
34 LATINAStyle Vol. 25, No. 5, 2019