Future Healthcare Professionals
By the Numbers:
Allied Health Graduates
In 1972, Congresswoman Shirley
Chisolm announced her candidacy for
President, The Godfather was released
in cinemas, the Watergate break-ins
occurred, George Carlin was arrested
for public obscenity, and Allegany
Community College took over the
Memorial Hospital School of Nursing
program. The move dramatically
expanded the college’s health
professions offerings.
In the more than four decades since,
ACM has graduated over 10,664
women and men through our Allied
Health programs.
Spring 2021 \ ACCESS ACM 10
practice in 2013. Dr. Chappell retired
in 2016 leaving his twenty-nine-year
practice at the Braddock Medical
Group after practicing Internal
Medicine for thirty-one years. The
doctors had admitting privileges
at Western Maryland Healthcare
System (now UPMC Western
Maryland) and became close to
medical staff at both institutions.
Dr. Harrison also worked with
nurses who taught at ACM.
Their scholarship is one of more
than fifty-five scholarships for
students specifically enrolled
in ACM’s Medical Assistant,
Nursing, and Respiratory Therapist
programs. “We’re honored to
join others in what we see as a
community-wide endeavor,” said
Dr. Chappell. “We’re emulating
those in our community whose
philanthropy inspired us.”
“Our contribution is a drop in
the bucket. We know the need for
scholarships is great, and we hope
our gift will inspire others – just
as we’ve been inspired.” explained
Dr. Harrison. “It really is our way
to give back.”
In retirement, they continue to
be active cyclists and they find
inspiration in a truly wonderous
creation: their granddaughter.
“Having our son, daughter-in-law,
and granddaughter nearby is a
true joy,” added Dr. Chappell.
“We are incredibly fortunate.”
I am not throwing away my shot.
ACM Nursing and Allied Health
students, faculty, and staff helped
thousands of Allegany County
residents get their COVID-19
vaccinations at UPMC-Western
Maryland and the Allegany County
Health Department events this spring.