They are both highly motivated
and intelligent.”
Taking college-level coursework
at CCTE prepared them for their
spring 2020 semester at ACM.
When the COVID-19 pandemic
forced their ACM courses online,
Blankenship and Robertson rolled
with punches while achieving
academically. “It takes a lot of
work,” commented Robertson.
Honor roll students at the Center
for Career and Technical Education,
they were also inducted in ACM’s
Phi Theta Kappa International Honor
Society. Both students took online
courses in the fall 2020 semester
to accommodate their high school
and CCTE schedules, a feat that did
not go unnoticed by ACM faculty.
Associate Professor and
Computer Technology Chair
Jim House lauded the students’
commitment, “Considering that
Cody and Cameron are taking
college courses concurrently with
high school classes speaks to
their commitment to the P-TECH
program and their level of maturity.
Because they are in the ‘Fast-
Track’ or four-year plan, this makes
this achievement even more
incredible. Our cyber faculty are
impressed by them as well as
their coursework.”
The students also made indelible
impressions on their instructors and
P-TECH program administrators.
“Both students are wonderful
kids, and I can’t wait to see their
futures unfold. I know they will
both accomplish great things,”
said Dingan. “I hope their
graduation will be in person, so
I can congratulate them and shake
their hands. I am very proud of
them and their peers.”
Kaye echoed his comments.
“They’ve taken the P-TECH format
to heart, even when impacted by
a pandemic: the CCTE training, the
opportunities through employers
and the Western Maryland IT
Center of Excellence, and their
college experience at ACM.
I couldn’t ask for better role models
for our younger P-TECH students.”
After graduating on May 15 from
Allegany College of Maryland
with Associate of Applied
Science degrees in Computer
Technology – Cybersecurity Area
of Concentration, Blankenship and
Robertson will graduate later in
the month from their home high
schools, Fort Hill and Mountain
Ridge. Both students will intern
this summer virtually through
IBM. Blankenship is applying to
join IBM’s apprenticeship program
while Robertson is heading to
Frostburg State University in the fall.
Pomp and Circumstance & P-TECH
continued from page 4
Editor’s Note:
We asked Dr. Kim Kalbaugh,
chief academic officer for
Allegany County Public Schools,
to reflect on what it means to watch
students excel in a program that was
once just an idea, a pipedream.
Seeing the first accelerated pathway students earn dual diplomas through the program
is remarkable. It’s rewarding for all who’ve collaborated in P-TECH’s facilitation since
2017. Great things happen in our county when we have strong collaboration among
many competent, committed stakeholders from public school education, higher
education, and business and industry. We’ve created a college-going and career
culture where students are immediately engaged in their first year.
5 ACCESS ACM / Engaging Ideas