A Learning Lab: Forest Technology Program
Spring 2021 \ ACCESS ACM 18
When our Forestry
program was
launched in 1969,
no one could’ve predicted its
continued success or how it
would evolve to become a Forest
Technology program accredited by
the Society of American Foresters
(SAF). It was simply envisioned
to create the next generation of
stewards of the forest.
ACM’s program is one of only
twenty-five accredited programs
in North America, and the only
SAF-accredited Forest Technology
program in Maryland.
The AAS in Forest Technology
degree program trains students
to become forest technicians,
professionals trained to work with a
graduate-level professional forester,
and work alone, make autonomous
decisions, and supervise small
crews in the field. Program grads are
ready for direct employment after
four semesters and one summer of
practical training. For those pursuing
their bachelor of science in Forestry,
the program can be modified to serve
as a transfer degree.
ACM also offers a two-semester,
one-year Forest Technology - Tree Care
Technician certificate for individuals
pursuing a career in urban tree care.
In addition to hosting camping trips and
outings throughout the year, ACM’s Forestry
Club conducts fundraisers to annually send
the college’s Woodsmen’s Team to the
Mid-Atlantic Woodsmen’s Meet and the
Stihl Timbersports Collegiate Series Mid-
Atlantic Qualifier, a preliminary event to the
U.S. Collegiate Championships. The meet
is a test of skills and wits for even the best
collegiate lumberjack or lumberjill, and its
location rotates to a different host school
each year. Activities include: archery,
axe-throwing, chain-sawing, chopping,
dendrology, felling, fire-starting (for water
boil), log-rolling, pole-climbing, and pulp
tossing (for accuracy). The Collegiate Series
was created by Stihl to help develop future
U.S. professional competitors in 2003.