Do I have to wear a motorcycle helmet in Florida?
and an impediment to their freedom. But does Florida law
require helmets? Yes and no. It all depends on your age and
helmet has many advantages, your safety being the most important.
If you are involved in a motorcycle accident, wearing
a helmet can make the difference between life and death.
Florida’s Helmet Law Florida law generally requires
that all motorcyclists wear helmets, however, there is a large
exception to the rule if you meet the following requirements:
• You are at least 21 years of age
• You have an insurance policy
with at least $10,000 in medical
If you don’t meet those two criteria, then you are legally
required to wear a helmet. Remember to carry your proof of
can carry a health insurance card or actual policy declaration
from a recognized health insurer. Personal injury protection
coverage from a personal passenger vehicle policy is not suf-
Helmets Increase Safety Riding a motorcycle is inherently
more dangerous than riding in a passenger vehicle.
Safety data from the National Highway Transportation Safety
Administration (NHTSA) shows that motorcyclists are 6
times more likely to be injured than occupants of passenger
cars and 27 times more likely to die in a vehicle collision.
These statistics should not be surprising. Motorcyclists are
less cushioned if they collide with another vehicle, and many
drivers don’t know how to drive safely around motorcyclists.
Fortunately, you can increase your chances of surviving
a crash by wearing a motorcycle helmet. Did you know the
• In 2015, helmets saved over 1,500 lives
• Helmets decrease your risk of head injury by nearly 70%
• Helmets decrease your chances of dying by 37%
if you compensate by turning your head a little farther
• Helmets do not interfere with your ability to hear. When
standards set by the Department of Transportation.
Standard (FMVSS) 218, which should be noted on the back
outside of the helmet.
A quality helmet should:
• Weigh about 3 pounds
• Have sturdy chin straps
• Have a thick polystyrene lining
Ideally, your helmet should have a face shield that pro-
a shield, then you should wear goggles instead. STEVE PAPOLA, AGENT
12 • MAY/JUNE 2019 813.682.9364