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molecules essential for muscle repair. It is possible to use PRP
and adult stem cells to heal and even regenerate lost, damaged
or aging tissue.
The process involves some lab time and an injection. Essentially
a sample of a patient’s blood is extracted and placed
in a centrifuge. This spins the blood to separate the components,
namely red and white blood cells, platelets and plasma.
Through centrifugation, the concentration of platelets
According to data published in Current Reviews in Musculoskeletal
Medicine, preparations for PRP are not standardized,
so the concentration of blood matter may vary depending
on the centrifugation process. PRP obtained from apheresis
results in a more consistent platelet concentration, typically
patient to machine. The platelet-rich serum is then placed in a
syringe and injected directly into the site of injury.
Several clinical studies have demonstrated that PRP injections
have improved function and decreased pain in the
elbow, wrist, shoulder, hip, knee, and ankle tendinosis. Early
work is also showing promise for osteoarthritis. Also, because
the injections are formed from the patients’ own blood,
there is a minimal risk of side effects. However, it may take a
few weeks before patients experience relief.
PRP may be a medicine-free way to treat various musculoskeletal
injuries. The American Academy of Orthopedic
Surgeons suggests those considering treatment with PRP to
check their eligibility with their health insurance carrier, as it
is not covered by all plans.
813.682.9364 MAY/JUNE 2019 • 39