WE “Feminism isn’t about making women strong. Women are already strong.
It’s about changing the way the world perceives that strength.” —G.D. Anderson
Women Empowered
Empowered Women of Florida
Peru’s finest export ever!
Peru is certainly known for its rich exports like ores, gold,
and coffee, as well as some of its not so ethical exports. Poverty
is rampant along with government corruption, drug lords,
smugglers and criminals. So how did this twenty four year
old girl born in Lima
Peru put herself on
the path to success?
Marcia Villanueva
Richardson, born in
November of 1994, is
the daughter of petroleum
engineer Guillermo
and mother Sol.
Both came from poor
backgrounds and
through hard work
and determination,
pulled themselves out
of the cycle of poverty.
Transforming pov-
erty to wealth, in a
country like Peru, is
quite a feat of passion
and desire. Marcia
had adopted her
parent’s drive and
belief that people can
achieve a desirable
quality of life by having
a plan and executing
the plan with consistent
and faith.
Peru is located on
the west coast of South
America, directly
south of Ecuador and
Columbia and west of
Bolivia. These countries
are infamous for
unrest, warfare, corruption
and poverty.
Women can and are as powerful as men and can do anything a man can do
After graduating high
school in Ecuador,
Marcia obtained scholarships and grants to continue her education.
Marcia graduated Eckerd College with a triple major
in Economics, Political Science and Business Administration.
She was initiated into The International Honor Society, Omicron
Delta Epsilon.
star, a publicly traded reinsurance company. She worked for
Enstar for a year and a half until the world wide consulting
ing along with her family’s tradition of strong women, Marcia
has spread her entrepreneurial
by curating her own
popular fashion Instagram
account, The
Llama Style (@Thellamastyle).
Through Instagram,
Marcia has
been able to secure
sponsorships, turning
her passions into
Marcia credits her
Mother and Grand
Mother for instilling
in her the belief that
women can and are
as powerful as men,
especially when it
comes to making
Marcia is now
married to Terry, a
future trucking and
logistics mogul. It is
clear to anyone who
meets them that they
will be successful at
everything they set
their minds to. One
of the best attributes
that Marcia possesses
is her sense of humor.
With such beauty,
grace and wit, she is
sure to continue to
have great success.
You can check out
her instagram page @
thellamastyle or her
website www.liketoknowit.com/thellamastyle.
813.682.9364 MAY/JUNE 2019 • 19