Eggy's Supporting Community
By Gloria Rodríguez, Founder and CEO, Comunicad, LLC
Hello everyone! My name is
Napoleón Rodríguez, but everyone
calls me Napo, the Chief Dog
Officer (CDO) of Comunicad, LLC, my
mom’s public relations company. I am 12
years old and a Cairn Terrier. I am a lover of
fashion, seriously; I must be dressed every
day. I also love swimming and, of course,
spending time with my mom! I am very
excited by this opportunity to introduce
myself and share my thoughts with the
readers of LATINA Style Magazine.
I have a variety of interests, but I
especially like learning about conserving our
environment for my fellow four-legged
friends and our human families. Even if they
only have two legs, us dogs and our (human)
families share a lot of the same needs,
especially when it comes to the environment.
I am super excited about the growing number
of public dog parks – they’re one of the
fastest-growing amenities in the United
States! We’ve also recently seen more news
regarding the growth of national parks in the
past 10 years, and I for one can’t wait to see
them. I love my walks every day and I can’t
wait to visit new parks and make new friends
along the way!
There are other encouraging things
Napoleón Rodríguez, Chief Dog Officer (CDO) of Comunicad, LLC.
happening too, from environmental efforts
around the world to save our oceans to local
As I mentioned earlier, I work with my
I love giving back and sharing tail wags
legislations regarding recycling and keeping
mom as CDO. We specialize in programs that
wherever I go! Follow me on Facebook at
our own communities clean. (Mom says
have societal impact; this means that we know
@NapoTheCairnTerrier and learn more about
taking care of the environment is a bigger
a lot about social responsibility and giving
what I have to say. LS
chore compared to when I (sometimes) help
back! I’m a big supporter of the Humane
with yard work; either way I’d like to inspect
Society, and when I’m not busy at work, I
it myself.) I’m very excited to dig deeper into
enjoy visiting the children’s ward of local
Want to comment or have any
learning how to support change for cleaner
hospitals to bring smiles to kids’ faces.
questions on this article? Email us at
communities and see where we go next!
36 LATINAStyle Vol. 25, No. 6, 2019