Get Moving!
Eggy's HBy Eileen Suarez
i, my name is Lucas Suarez and I am
made friends because of my cuteness! So who is
Eggy’s favorite cousin! I am a 70 pound
doing who the favor here?
(lovable) labradoodle! With the energy of
Once a week mom takes me to doggy daycare.
a lab and the good looks of a poodle, you and I know
It is like a mini vacation! I spend all day playing with
how important is it to stay in shape and look good!
my friends while mom spends her day working so
Just because summer is almost over, doesn’t’ mean
that she can keep buying me all those yummy treats
you can’t keep working on that beach bod!
and spa services! Dogs need to be around other
No matter what type of dog you are, daily
dogs too. That’s how we learn what to do and what
exercise is important for your mental and physical
not to do and how to play nice with others. If you
health. Remember those puppy days when we would
don’t like to exercise by yourself, going to doggy
rip apart those fluffy
daycare is another way
toys, chew the couch
to let all that energy out
and mom’s favorite
and workout with your
shoes? We have so
much energy! It is
Walks, trips to
important to channel all
the park and doggy
that energy into positive
daycare are all ways to
things, like walks,
get some exercise and
running around with
spend time with your
your friends at the park,
human. The smart
and my favorite, playing
animal doctors say that
fetch with mom!
just 30 minutes of a
Because I am a
day of exercise can
big boy, mom walks me
help you with your
at least four times a
social skills and control
day. We stroll through
those urges to turn your
the neighborhoods and see other friends that are
house into a tornado. So grab your leash, grab your
walking by. Occasionally, I like to chase a squirrel or
human and get moving!
two. By the way, has anyone figured out how to catch
Lastly, a message to all the doggy parents out
those things? Anyways, my absolute favorite thing to
there: Remember that no matter how busy you are,
do is go to the dog park. Mom and I play fetch and
what bad fashion choice you made today, got
people watch. I think of myself as mom’s wingman.
dumped, got a zit, or got fired, all we want is you. We
Want to comment or have any
I like to give people bear hugs when I say hello and
love you unconditionally! So play with us, cuddle with
questions on this article? Email us at
although mom gets mad when I do that, she has
us, exercise with us. LS
50 LATINAStyle Vol. 25, No. 4, 2019