A recipe for protection
At Nationwide®, we promise to care for your family like our own. That’s why we’re partnering with FreeWill to
offer you a fast and easy way to get important documents, such as a will, to help protect your loved ones in an
emergency. Visit the links below today to create a plan as meticulously designed as Pati Jinich’s meals.
Get your important details together with our personal info organizer: nationwide.com/recipe
Then get your will done for free: nationwide.com/Pati
• Not a deposit • Not FDIC or NCUSIF insured • Not guaranteed by the institution • Not insured by any federal government agency • May lose value
This material is not a recommendation to buy, sell, hold or roll over any asset, adopt an investment strategy, retain a specific investment manager or use a particular
account type. It does not take into account the specific investment objectives, tax and financial condition or particular needs of any specific person. Investors should
discuss their specific situation with their financial professional.
Nationwide, FreeWill Co. and any referred attorney are not affiliated. Nationwide does not endorse any referred attorney.
Nationwide, the Nationwide N and Eagle and Nationwide is on your side are service marks of Nationwide Mutual Insurance Company. Third-party marks are the property
of their respective owners. © 2021 Nationwide CPR-1151AO.1 (06/21)