Enzo Valentin, A New Home For Me!
Eggy's Hola! My name is Enzo Valentin
and I’m a 7-month Old English
Sheepdog (OES for short). I live
in the beautiful city of Orlando with my
mom, Karen Vergara and dad, Jorge.
I have two names, Enzo, because my
dad is a fan of Ferrari and Formula1. Enzo
is the name of the founder of Scuderia
Ferrari, the famous Italian auto manufacturer.
Valentin is my second name because I came
home to my parents on Valentine’s Day. Just like in a
typical Hispanic household, when my parents catch me
doing something I should not be doing, they call me by
both names - ENZO VALENTIN!
My parents researched several breeds until they
finally agreed on getting an Old English Sheepdog seven
years ago. My mom wanted a very furry dog, and my
dad wanted a big dog. Guess what? I am both! Since I
am classified as a working dog, my parents had to wait
all those years to move to a home where I had enough
space to live comfortably with them.
Mom and dad are still deciding whether they want
to have little humans, but from what all their friends tell
them having me around is a great way to train for
parenthood. My mom says that she had no idea how
much work I would be. The first few weeks were rough
I have a double coat of fur, which needs to be
for her, but after hiring a trainer and teaching me some
brushed about 2 to 3 times per week. Once I get
commands, she has learned that taking care of a dog
brushed, my parents seem to hug me more than usual,
is not so bad after all.
I think it is because I look like a giant stuffed animal. It
I am not a huge fan of other dogs; instead, I
is rough being an OES in the summer in Florida, but my
prefer humans! I do not care how big or small they are.
parents keep me indoors during the day until it cools
I am very friendly and love giving kisses to anyone I
off and we can go outside to play. With the amount of
meet. Petting me is highly encouraged when I walk my
energy that I have, I must get a daily dose of exercise,
humans around the neighborhood.
or I become a menace inside the house.
38 www.latinastyle.com LATINAStyle Vol. 27, No. 4, 2021 Becoming dog-parents has been one of the best
things that have happened to my mom and dad this
past year. Just like for so many other humans, it has
been a particularly rough year for them. I am enjoying
life as an OES with my parents for now, but I am eagerly
waiting for them to bring little humans so I can add them
to my flock… I mean family.
My mom happens to be a Financial Advisor, so
before deciding to bring me home, she took into
consideration the financial implications that bringing
home a pet would have. If you are considering adding
a furry member to your family, here are some tips:
1. Purchase Pet Insurance – it may not be as
expensive as you think. Just like when purchasing
human health insurance, do your research and settle
for what works best for you and your furry friend.
2. Ensure you have a fund for emergencies – Pets
can have emergencies that will need to be paid often
out of pocket. You may be able to get reimbursed for
some emergencies through your pet insurance
company, but it may take weeks before the funds hit
your bank account.
3. Consider the costs of keeping a pet in your
spending plan – Food, grooming, pet essentials, etc.,
can all add up very quickly. Try to calculate the cost
of these items and create a line in your spending plan
for them.
4. Dog boarding or doggy daycare is expensive –
if you travel for work or pleasure, consider the monthly
or yearly cost of care for your furry friend while you are
If you consider all the above, bringing home a furry
friend will be considerably less w orrisome for you and
more beneficial to your pocketbook!
Want to comment or have any questions on this
article? Email us at info@latinastyle.com
By Karen Vergara, CPA
Visiting my mom’s office when I was a
puppy. They accepted me as the company’s
official mascot!
I look like this for about two hours after my
bath. Keeping me this clean is not easy for
my parents.
Happy taking a picture
with my mom Karen, dad
Jorge, and their nephew.