Lory Burgos,
Multicultural Marketing
Director, Nationwide.
Valeria Aloe, Principal
and Founder, AlphaQuest
The “Cultural Mindsets: Decoded,” session
presented by Nationwide and moderated by Lory Burgos
and Valeria Aloe, AlphaQuest Consulting, discussed what
it takes to go from great to extraordinary by uncovering
and conquering limiting cultural mindsets.
Running a business means taking risks. Many are
going through many pitfalls to avert and opportunities.
The “Entrepreneurs Spotlight: Lessons Learned” panel
brought together experienced Latina Entrepreneurs from
the Northeast Region to share the challenges they have
faced and lessons they have learned through their
business journey. This session was moderated by
Veronica Cool, Hispanic Strategist, Founder & CEO, Cool
& Associates. Panelists included Janis Garcia Keating,
President, Wilco Group, LLC; Cely Argueta, BNG
Profession al Consulting Services, Inc. and Sila
Alegret-Bartel, International Corporate Training &
Marketing LLC.
LATINA Style was honored to recognize Edie Fraser,
CEO, Women Business Collaborative, with the Lifetime
Achievement Award; Jimmy Ortiz, Ph.D. President
Emeritus, Prospanica, with the Advocate of the Year
Award; Adrianna Nava, President, NAHN, the President’s
Award, and Janis Garcia Keating, President, Wilco Group,
LLC, was recognized as the LATINA Style Entrepreneur
of the Year.
Want to comment or have any questions on this
article? Email us at info@latinastyle.com
Gloria Saez, Owner and
Lead Clinical Therapist
for Salus Vita, LLC.
Sila Alegret-Bartel, President,
International Corporate
Training & Marketing LLC
Adrianna Nava, President,
Jennifer Peña, MD,
FACP, Chief Medical
Officer, Nurx.
Susana Marino, M.S. Ed,
President & Founder,
Northern Virginia Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce.
Edie Fraser, CEO, Women
Business Collaborative.
Cely Argueta, MPA,
President/Owner, BNG
Professional Consulting
Services, Inc.
Amelia Gandara, Principal,
Nationwide Ventures,
Jimmy Ortiz, Ph.D. President
Emeritus, Prospanica.
Thank you Sponsors and Partners
LATINA Style is delighted to count on the continued partnership of Title Sponsor: Nationwide returns for
the 8th year as the Title Sponsor for the Business Series. Supporting Sponsors: Parents Step Ahead,
Wells Fargo, and American Airlines. Community Partners: United States Hispanic Chamber of Commerce
(USHCC), The Greater Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Northern Virginia Hispanic
Chamber of Commerce (NOVAHCC), Virginia Hispanic Chamber, Maryland Hispanic Chamber of
Commerce, DC Chamber of Commerce, WBENC, Cool & Associates, PROSPANICA, MBDA, ALPFA,
CapitalWirePR, El Tiempo Latino, Morris County Hispanic-American Chamber of Commerce.
Janis Garcia Keating, Wilco
Group, LLC.
LATINAStyle V ol. 27, No. 4, 2021 www.latinastyle.com 35