By SSG (Staff Sergeant)
Melanie Adamski, U.S. Army
the It is incredible how my military career
has evolved in the short 10 years
that I have been in service. I grew up
From second oldest of six, the eldest daughter,
first-generation Mexican-American,
college student, and Soldier. No one
really taught me how to pursue college
Letters or a military career, I just knew I wanted
one and sought out mentors that cared
enough to edge me on to pursue
my goals.
Growing up, we didn’t have money.
My father is an immigrant that does
Latina commercial flooring. He is always so
happy, even on the days he doesn’t feel
like being positive, and his mottos
consist of “Hakuna Matata” and “don’t
worry, be happy.” His resiliency is
the Military Police Corps and a current member of the
truly unmatched.
Military Police Regimental Association. I have such
My mother is an 11-year breast
great love for what I do. It has had its challenging
cancer survivor and an ambitious
moments, but being in this male-dominated
woman. She earned her citizenship in 2013
profession has been nothing short of a crazy fun ride.
while I was in my sophomore year of college, and I
I deployed with my platoon to Iraq in 2020 in the
remember telling myself that I had her drive and
midst of the COVID-19 outbreak. Halfway through the
perseverance to pursue some of my biggest dreams to
rotation, we had to send half of our guys back home to
date. I applied what my parents emulated over the
mitigate the risk of spreading. I remember being one of
course of my life and career, and let me tell you, it has
two women left on the camp with seven months left in
been an unbelievable journey around the sun.
the country. I felt the weight of disheartened soldiers,
My passion for my profession and my tenacity to
and I knew that it was not the time for me to dwell on
mentor soldiers is a remarkable gift I have been
what I could not control. I mustered the strength to
afforded to practice. I am a corrections officer under
refocus on my growth and be the moral boost for my
40 www.latinastyle.com LATINAStyle Vol. 27, No. 4, 2021 guys. Since then, I have set new goals and volunteered
to become a drill sergeant, and as I sit here in the
office with some spare time, I have to admit it has been
the most rewarding position thus far.
There is such art in seeing the transformation of
a young soldier and being a significant part of that
process that is so humbling. Getting to see your fruit
grow and giving them the first impression of an Army
leader, a standard-bearer, a true professional is
holistically challenging and life-changing. There is so
much more I wish to do. For now, I will be the
professional, the mentor, the confidant, and the face
of a multifaceted community, and I will do everything
I can to always take great care of our soldiers. LS
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article? Email us at info@latinastyle.com
SSG (Staff Sergeant) Melanie Adamski.
Advanced leaders course graduation. SSG
Adamski took home the distinguished honor
graduate award, commandants list, and iron
soldier physical fitness award.
SSG (Staff Sergeant) Melanie Adamski with her mother, Magali Escajeda. Texas, 2021.