Jesuit, which would not have been possi-
is headed to Boston College as the
recipient of a full, four-year Presidential
Gaudiosa 2018 showcased more than
300 wonderful silent auction items and
live auction items such as world-class
dining, a Northeast yachting vacation,
two vacations to Italy, and excursions to
Napa Valley and Deer Valley. The chance
drawing of free gas for a year, sponsored
by Radiant Food Stores, was won by
Nancy Giannas. The festive atmosphere
featured live music, a student orchestra
ensemble, and amazing student art.
stunning Rome-themed murals for the
A Latin term meaning "joyous feast,"
Gaudiosa was named the Best Fundraising
Event in the region by the TBBJ
Patron Chairs were Lauren and Chris
Schellman, P '20, and the Honorary
Chairs were Stacey and Ron Leal, P '09.
A full listing of Gaudiosa 2018 Underwriters,
Patrons, and Sponsors is on the
Jesuit website,
Gaudiosa's generous patrons, sponsors,
years, Gaudiosa has raised more than
$3.4 million, and since its inception has
raised $7.2 million, all of it supporting
Jesuit students with demonstrated
students with demonstrated need.
Scan here to view a video of Gaudiosa
2018 student speaker Lazaro Alvelaez ’18
1 Lauren and Christopher Schellman, P ’20 served as Gaudiosa’s Event Patron Chairs 2 Live auction bidding at Gaudiosa is
always one of the most exciting moments of the event 3 Lazaro Alvelaez ’18 shared his amazing family story of coming to
the U.S. from Cuba 4 Dan Doyle Jr. ’89 and his wife, Nicole, were recognized for a transformative $1 million capital gift
5 Sara and Kieran Mahoney, P ’16, ’18 were Blue & White Society supporters of Gaudiosa 2018
ABOVE: Gaudiosa award-winning
event coordinator Jane Younger
LEFT: Gaudiosa guests danced the
night away to close the event