Antonio Cummings, ’19 from Oxon Hill with Cornell Tafari Bailey. Cummings, now a communications major at
Towson University, was a founding member of the Aspiring Young MENtors group.
Unity Center Fosters Understanding
On January 21, more than
120 students, faculty,
staff, and community
members celebrated the grand
opening of the Unity Center.
Motivational speaker Cornell Tafari
Bailey spoke at the celebration.
Located in Room 66 of the
Humanities Building, the Unity
Center is a dynamic space for
multicultural learning opportunities
that engage students, faculty
19 ACCESS ACM / Building Futures
and staff in meaningful ways.
It offers comfortable seating for
conversation, independent study,
and small group interactions as
well as computers for student use.
The Center serves as an
educational space for the college’s
many campus groups and
clubs, including Aspiring Young
MENtors (AYM) who use it as
their headquarters for activities.
About AYM
AYM, founded in 2018, is a
group of African American male
mentors and emerging mentors
who help guide, encourage and
support other African American
male students on campus. AYM
mentors emphasize connection
and a sense of belonging for
student-mentees who may be
having a hard time adjusting
socially to college or struggling to
adapt to the demands of college
courses. Students receive training
on accessing campus resources,
time-management, goal setting,
and other topics they identify
as important to their success.
“Use your college experience as an internship
to the adult you wish to be.” -Cornell Tafari Bailey
“The Unity Center is a chance for faculty and
students to come together and manifest their
gifts. It’s a place where students can engage with
each other and move forward.” -Antonio Cummings