Breaking Ground for Better Training:
WCI Adaptive Community and Workforce Training Facility
Celebrating Law Enforcement Professionals
Spring 2020 \ ACCESS ACM 20
Funded through the State
of Maryland and Allegany
County, ACM is breaking
ground on a 9,700-square foot
Western Correctional Institution
Adaptive Community and
Workforce Training Facility this
spring. Adjacent to the college’s
Continuing Education building,
the new building will allow
for the expansion of training
academies and courses for
regional correctional officers and
community members. Construction
is expected to be completed in the
fall semester.
The state-of-the-art building
will house dedicated space for
corrections training (a classroom,
mat room, computer room,
firearms classroom with bullpen,
and two offices), an ACM Incident
Command Center, and two
ACM workforce development
classrooms. More than 2,500
community members will
participate in trainings and courses
within the new facility.
The WCI Adaptive Community
and Workforce Training Facility will
also serve as a Command Center
for North Branch Correctional
Institution in the event of an
Join current Trojans on April 24 for ACM’s 2020
Law Day Celebration. An annual event of the
college’s Criminal Justice and Legal Studies
programs, Law Day will be held from 8:30 a.m.
to 2:00 p.m. in College Center and the lower
parking lot on our Cumberland Campus. Interact
with criminal justice professionals, watch
demonstrations, and participate in round-table
discussions. All are welcome to attend.