www.sparkexploreocean.com 19
The BHCFA’s Junior Mates program is a summer-long
learning experience for teenagers with a love of fishing
and a desire to become a mate on a fishing boat. Through
a series of hands-on activities, the youngsters become
proficient enough to obtain paying jobs on fishing boats.
The junior mates learn the value of giving back as they
assist the Beach Haven Marlin and Tuna Club in its
Fluke-A-Mania Fishing Tournament, which benefits charity.
The teens also fillet the fish for the tournament’s fish fry.
BHCFA captains spread the word on Ocean County fishing
through appearances at various community organizations
and at local high school fishing flea markets. Information
can be found at www.BHCFA.net.
Anglers are advised there are NJ state regulations regarding
seasons, fish size and daily bag limits. Although New Jersey
does not require a saltwater fishing license, registration with
the state is mandatory for all anglers over the age of 16.
This is a free registration and can be done quickly online
at www.nj.gov/dep/saltwaterregistry/index.html. The
registration must be printed after completion.
Beach Haven
Charter Fishing
The Elite Fleet
Long Beach Island’s
All Member Captains are
licensed by the US Coast Guard
Our Members can help you catch
the fish YOU want to catch!
Fish anywhere from the
Back Bays to the Canyons!
www. b h c f a . o rg
Organizations We Support
Funded in part by a grant from the
Ocean County Board of Chosen Freeholders
Explore more at
Photo by B. Cuthbert
NJBoating.org is a comprehensive, easy-to-use,
interactive website linking you to the best of boating
in New Jersey. Use the site’s mapping feature to
locate pumpouts and boat ramps in the Garden
State or to get info on best boating practices, fishing
regulations and much more. Sponsored by the
New Jersey Sea Grant Consortium, the NJDEP,
New Jersey Division of Fish and Wildlife, Rutgers
University Center for Remote Sensing, the Marine
Trades Association of New Jersey, Sport Fish
Restoration and I Boat NJ.
Contact Assistant Extension Director and
Marine Recreation Agent Mike Danko at