Editor’s Letter
14 GASPARILLA MAGAZINE • July/August • 2020
Marcy Shortuse
One strange thing about publishing a newspaper and
a magazine is the difference in deadlines. While a
newspaper is very timely and goes to print the day
after you write the stories, a magazine is written weeks prior
to hitting the streets. As I’m writing this, I’m wondering what
the world will be like when our readers are holding this
publication in their hands.
Sitting here in the middle of May, it appears the country’s
battle with COVID-19 seems to be winding down. Whether
we have “fl attened the curve” or not remains to be seen
now, and I can only hope in July and August it will have
come to fruition. I hope those little fatty coverings on all
of those ‘rona cells are melting in the summer heat as we
While this has been a scary and strange time in our island’s history, there have been some
good things to come of it as well. Watching people in the community come together in
the face of adversity is always such an impressive and heartwarming thing to see. The Boca
Grande Woman’s Club raised and distributed more than $600,000 to island employees who
were fi nancially cut off at the knees. They need to have a glass raised in their honor, as does
Hudson’s Grocery, who kept many fed through these hard times.
I hope you enjoy our stories this summer, particularly the story about the Hager “Honey
Bee” farm. To see that farm in the midst of strips of stores and condominiums is a breath of
fresh air, particularly if you remember what the Cape Haze Peninsula used to look like. I salute
everyone who is attempting to keep their little corner of Southwest Florida as “cracker” as
Also, take note of our summer boating story. Capt. Tom Healey has put together a list of just
a few of the local destinations where you can head out on the water, grab lunch and be home
by dinner time. Boating has always been a blessing to Floridians, and never more than this
past few months, when it was one of the only true safe “escapes” from a
crazy world.
Take some time to breathe in the hot, humid Florida air one evening,
smell the jasmine and the sweet, sandy earthy smells, and remember
just how lucky we are.
Take care of you, take care of your loved ones, and always be kind.