Fishing Fun
in Boca Grande
1) Second place winners of the Quarantine
Queens Classic - Lauren Lynn, Amber Mills,
Capt. Willie Mills (with Falon & Jason Rice.
Tournament organizer Capt. William
Woodroffe is behind the team.
2) Anglers in the Quarantine Queens Classic -
Wendy Terstra, Effi e Joiner, Kacy Cheske,
Leslie Farris & Samantha Sauline
3) Second place winners of the Howl at the
Moon Tournament: Capt. Steve Ahlers,
daughter Lizzie Ahlers, Jill Lewis, Michael &
Lindsey Graci and Britt Allen. Capt. Sandy
Melvin is behind the team.
4) Liz Woodroffe, Melissa Steyer, Kara Robinson
& Nikita Rhodes with Cricket the chocolate
lab during the Quarantine Queens Classic
5) Jason Rice helps to release a tarpon during
the Quarantine Queens Classic Tournament
6) Jennifer Waegenaere, Jill Chatham, Allie
Perry, Chrissy Ortell & Capt. Dave Chatham
during the Quarantine Queens Classic
7) First place winners at the Howl at the Moon
Tournament - Chad Vandergriff, Tony Scully,
Jake Poepl with Capt. Waylon Mills
Photos by Daniel Godwin,
William Woodroffe, Tracy Mills & submitted
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July/August • 2020 • GASPARILLA MAGAZINE 93