Almost everyone who
grew up in Englewood
has fond memories of a
narrow strip of water that runs
parallel to the beach at Stump
Pass State Park, which is located
at the south end of Manasota
Key along the most northern tip
of Charlotte Harbor. It is known
as Ski Alley, and for decades
it was a place for locals to
congregate and camp, eat
fresh fi sh over a fi re, jump off
the rope swing and, of course,
ski. This is a place where
memories are made, and it’s
one of the most beautiful spots
in our area.
Ski Alley was believed to
be formed by a hurricane in
the 1940s, by splitting several
pieces from the connecting
barrier island and creating
waterways in between.
From the southernmost
tip you can look out and see
Palm Island and Thornton Key.
Stump Pass Beach State Park
has been owned by the state
since 1971, but in the late
1960s it was almost made a
memory as a plan for a luxury
trailer park was proposed.
Through the work of several
conservation groups the land
was saved.
Ski Alley at Stump Pass State
Park has become well known as
a perfect spot to snorkel, scuba
dive, shell, swim, jet ski and fi sh
(it is a very popular snook spot).
A hiking trail winds through
Stump Pass State Park through
fi ve different types of coastal
ecosystems that are home
to many species of wildlife,
including gopher tortoises,
egrets, terns, gulls and crabs.
Ski Alley is also a manatee
sight-seeing hot spot.
A GASPARILLA MAGAZINE • July/August • 2020