Since 2006, the building across the street from the Boca Grande Health Clinic known as “The
Annex” has housed medical services not offered by the Clinic itself. While the building and its
practitioners served the community well, the structure needed to be refurbished and new health
care regulations and accreditation standards needed to be adhered to. Therefore, the clinic board, with
the blessing of its Foundation, embarked on a plan to renovate The Annex. In the spring of 2019, an
architect with expertise in construction of medical facilities was engaged and a builder was hired to
carry out his plans.
The work was done expeditiously over the summer so the building would be available for patients
seeking its services when the season commenced in the fall of 2019.
The centerpiece of the Annex is the physical therapy department. The number of patients that
use its services has grown to approximately 1,500 per year. To accommodate the increased demand
for therapy, the space available to the therapist was expanded and an exam room was added to
provide patient privacy. The building’s restrooms have been enlarged and remodeled as well, to better
accommodate patients and to comply with the Americans with Disabilities Act.
A conference room for Clinic and Foundation staff meetings has been created, as well as a space
for patient education and medical presentations to small groups. The building’s three exam rooms
have been extensively remodeled, and new fl ooring and cabinetry have been installed to comply with
infection control regulations. Secure storage of medical records has been made available to adhere to
HIPAA patient privacy rules. Fresh paint and new furnishings have brought the rooms up to
Top, the original Health Clinic Annex at 3rd Street and Park Avenue. Just above, the Annex today.
January/February 2020 GASPARILLA MAGAZINE 37
A message from Dr. Daly Walker ...