The new waiting
room at the Boca
Grande Health Clinic.
The Boca Grande Health Clinic remodel of 2019 included:
• AC system replaced
• Roof replaced
• Fountain refurbished
• Landscaping redesigned and replanted
• Clinic fl oors replaced
• Waiting room renovated due to water damage
• Re-painted interior hallways and administration space
• Phone system replaced with more modern technology
• IT system upgraded
• One new and particularly interesting piece of
medical equipment that will benefi t many patients is
the addition of new imaging equipment. It has come
to the Boca Grande Health Clinic thanks to a grant
from the Boca Grande Woman’s Club. The new digital
radiology system will replace the current radiology
imaging system (in which no fi lms are used). Benefi ts
from this new system include less exposure to the
patient due to the lower dose of radiation, higher
resolution images, improved diagnosing, a faster processing
time and the ability to download the images
into the patient’s electronic medical records and to
the exam room.
January/February 2020 GASPARILLA MAGAZINE 39