You’ve all got them…. The crazy car chases, the surprising living
conditions, the exotic assignments, and the unique collectors. Here are
a few of your stories we found to be buzzworthy.
I was assigned to do a small home on a side
showed up on the dot. A three-year-old child
answered the door, so I asked her if her daddy
was home. She said he wasn’t, that he was at
work, but she said her mommy told her to let me
in. I asked her where her mommy was and she
pointed at a bedroom and said in there. I went to
the door and knocked. The mommy then told me
to come in. I opened the door and she was lying
in bed with the covers up to her chin. I could tell
there was another person in bed next to her. As
I told her who I was, the man next to her pulled
the covers down below his chin as well. She told
me to inspect the house and shut the door when
I left. I shut the bedroom door and told the little
girl that I thought she said her daddy was at work.
URAR report form to put that tidbit.
Miley (now sadly deceased) on a residential
appraisal assignment in Granite City, IL one
morning. He phoned me after the inspection was
later, I get a call from the borrowers asking where
the appraiser was.
It turns out that Miley went to street address 1009,
when the actual assignment was for street
address 1099, and somehow the information had
gotten confused. Hard to believe, but the folks at
1009 were also expecting an appraiser that very
morning, so Miley inspected their property.
phoned all parties involved and explained the
mix-up. Thank goodness the owners of the
incorrectly inspected property were good sports
about it!